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    Clearest lucid dream yet, and first since joining DV!

    by , 06-08-2014 at 04:39 PM (490 Views)
    I remember our car breaking down not long from our house, our dad gave me and my little brother a large amount of money, as we head down towards my old school (actually away from the store), we meet a strange looking man walking downwards towards us, i realiized instantly he was going to rub us, so i screamt: ''RUN!''. At this point i woke up.

    Here i gain lucidity.
    A few minutes later i fall asleep again, entering the same dream. I enter the school, where i meet 2 of my female friends, i heal one of my friends wounds doing some strange magic thing that felt natural. I then go to the schools courtyard, where there are a TON of people, all training some kind of combat (since i watch shounen anime, this is probably the reason). I realize since this is my dream, i'm probably the strongest fighter, i ask one of my male friends which student is the strongest, and he points at a guy walking just a few feet away. We then converse (this is translated from norwegian btw).
    Me: Are you the strongest student from this school?
    Student: Mhmm, ye, i think so.
    Me: Cool. When do you train?
    Student: Usually on wednesdays.
    Me: Ok, i was planning on spectating one of your practices.
    Student: Ok, cool.

    After this i dont remember much, except for a few measly fight scenes.

    Preparation: -Turn my computer of 1 hour before planned bedtime.
    -Eat some food.
    -Go outside and practice listening (lesson 1 of dream yoga).
    -Then go for a walk around my neighbourhood.
    -When i return i go to my bed and say my mantras, i do repeat them a few times.
    -All this while constantly questionong my lucidity, RC'ing and saying mantras in presesnt tense.
    -Eat a

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