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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. 19th of june.

      by , 06-19-2014 at 12:53 PM
      Date:19th of june.
      Total sleep:7-ish hours.
      Daytime Techniques: RC's, awareness, mantras, dream yoga.
      Lucid Techniques: Stabilizisation,
      Recall Techniques: Dj, lie still in bed.
      Fell Asleep: 00.30 AM
      Dream Title: The mystery of the coins.
      Dream: I remember quite a bit of this drea, but since it was so long, there are parts i do not recall. Here we go: I have no recall of the starts, but i know i was somehow granded the ability to switch places with some, just by flicking my wrist. Suddenly, i can no longer do it. I wander of into a different classroom, and a guy named Simon is about to throw some coins, that are magical, somehow. I dive after them, and i get quite a few. I go out of the school area, to the grocey store. And i buy a pack of buns. It seems the the coins have the ability to transmutate items. I bought the pack of buns to transmutate them into something. Suddenly there is a gap in my memory, and i am toilet that floats above the ground. 2 bullies lock me in the toilet, but i eventually convince them to let me out. We walk up gågata in Halden, Norway.
      Vividness: 8
      Awareness: 2
      Length: Very long.
      Emotions: Happiness, sadness, dissapointment.
      Dream Signs: Magic, school, my city.

      Dream Title: Stabilizisation training in a large city.
      Dream: I walk down a large road, and go into some kind of hospital room with my mother, the doctor gives me ice-cream. I walk a bi farther down the main road, and i decide to take a look at my hands. I look for a second, then suddenly i almost lose control of the dream. I decide to try train my stabilizisation, and go over to a girl, grab her hand, and start running. We run by the docks, and it doesn't take long before i wake up.
      Awake: 08.20
      Vividness: 9
      Length: 5
      Emotions: Happiness, feeling of success
      Dream Signs: Ice-cream, small city.

      Dream fragments: I am talking to one of my teachers, Bente Haug. I explain the second dream to her.
      Parts of the dreams that i cant remember where happened: I flirt with a girl by switching places with her.
    2. 14th of june-> 15th of june. Great dream!

      by , 06-15-2014 at 10:02 AM
      Date 15th of june.
      Total sleep: 9.5 hours (estimate)
      Daytime Techniques: RC, mantra, meditation, preperation.
      Lucid Techniques: Anchoring/ stabilizisation, commands/mantras.
      Recall Techniques: DJ, tags/simple notes by my bed.
      Fell Asleep: around 12.00- 12.30?
      Dream Title: The dreamers island.
      Dream: I start out in a city, i wander around with a few friends. We enter a few shops, and since it's pretty late we make one last visist to the gorcery shop. They sold ice-cream, so i bought some mango icecream, and some more which i cant remember. We exit the shop, and i ask if i can get a ride with Lars, and Joakim. We drive over a bridge, and eventually hit an island which is sitting on a gigantic pillar, far over the sea. I try to climb a small, almost vertical road, but fail. I start driving downwards when i realize. The cars are not cars, they are 1 man electrical, wheelchair-like things. I jump off the cliff since i realize this is a dream. I wake up just when i start flying, out of excitement. I chain the dream, and enter the same dream. I am the place i fell off, i stagger upwards while shouting:''MORE VIVID'', ''MORE CLARITY''.I am the top of the island, and in a skype conversation with a few other dreamers (Tobias, Dennis and Aleks). They dont dream IRL, but in my dream, they dreamed. And they were much better than me. Remember, that i was jumping in and out of the dreams ALL the time, i'm pretty sure i did it like 5-ish times (isn-t it called DEILD or something?). Anyway, i attempt stabilizing myself in the dream. I look at my hands the closest i have ever done. i had all the right knuckles, and fingers, BUT the first joint on most of my fingers, are way too short. It was strange, i didn't get to try the : ''MORE LUCID'' commands, sadly. I did try some other commands/mantras, as seen above. I decide to try something i had tought of while reading a tutorial about dream stabilisisation, about the word ''anchor''. I decide to actually summon an anchor and bind my existence to it, it doesn't work since i get excited, so i wake up again. In the skype call we talk a lot, but we eventually agree to battle on the Island. We use all kinds of abilites and such, all while i am daring in and out of the dream if i get too excited. I use a devestating laz0r beam, that is as thick and wide as my whole body, to decimate large parts of the island, but it might be regenerating, i cant remember. I jump in the water, but suddenly i cant fly ( I probably could have if i calmed down and focused). So i suddenly teleport the the top of the mountain, which now are made of pixels somehow. I gain 3rd person view and start killing everybody wih my bow (BTW some brat named Tobias said he was going to win the competition, so step my game up). I have my other memories from this night that i cant pinpoint where happened. They will be stated below.
      Awake: 10.30
      Vividness: 9
      Awareness: 2-10 (2 at the start, 10 at the end)
      Length: Very long
      Emotions: Happnines/joy, excitement, accomplishment, succes!, anger (slight), jealousy.
      Dream Signs: Game related stuff, friends, familiar places, game-like.

      As stated, this dream was large, and me jumping in and out of it didn't help with the fact i have a few memories, i cant remember where happened. Here they are: I go into a store which i think sells DVD's, this was the start somewhere. The entire arena suddenly gets pixelized, this was near the end. I had my first false awakening, weird as hell.