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    Behind The Scenes - Dream No. 111

    by , 05-11-2017 at 11:19 AM (374 Views)
    So first I will start off with general notes and then I'll get into the details of Dream No. 111.

    So, you got the appearance of my dreamy guardian but most importantly out of all things dream-like, I forgot to give you the appearance of... ME! I drew a picture to show you. Since I have trouble uploading photos and other files onto DreamViews, any pics I want to show you, I'll give a link to my DeviantArt account (KarlaB14) and post them on there. Everything related will be in the "Karla's Dreams - Concept Art" folder.

    Dream Characters - Karla by KarlaB14 on DeviantArt

    Dream No. 111

    From now on, I think I might also suggest why I gave the dream it's respective title. Since these "Behind The Scenes" entries are fairly new, I'm always trying to find ways to improve them and make them exciting to read rather than just recounting the dream all over again.

    So I called it "Conscious Confusion" because of 2 aspects in the dream.

    1. The maths book was a different layout and here's me thinking, "Where did those coloured strips come from?"
    2. I wasn't shaking when I was close to the lift, I was thinking I should have been terrified (because of my phobia in real life).

    The Maths Book Scene
    Last year, for high school, I made a bound reference of approx. 130 pages, I think it's 132 to be exact. I had the copy for myself to use in my exams and then I also gave a copy to a friend to use in her class (and maybe exams) this year. The colours I chose for my book design were yellow, green, red and blue. The colours I put on my friend's book were salmon, rose, teal and lime. My friend's colour palette was the one that appeared in the dream. The only thing that were different about our books was the colour palette... The rest was the same, such as the front cover, the module dividers and the page numbers.

    Now in the dream, it changed the design features of the book... The dream showed that the page layout was altered. As it is kind of difficult to explain, I did do a sketch for this dream aspect as well (click on the link below)... I even kindly put some glitter glue on there where it was in the dream! Just for kicks really.

    Dream No. 111 - Maths Bound Book Comparsion by KarlaB14 on DeviantArt

    The Lift Scene
    The door was completely open and so there was no sign of it. I was only looking into this large box-like room that as I said, looked like inside some house. As I'm getting closet to the lift, here's me thinking I should be shaking like anything, my heart rate should be going up, my palms should be sweating.... But that wasn't happening. Maybe I was more focusing on what was in there rather than the lift itself. It's interesting because I do have a lucid dreaming bucket-list of things to do with my dreamy guardian and one of the things I put on there was for her to help me with my fear, if there is any sort of therapy she could provide.

    So that's it for this "Behind The Scenes" entry, catch you at the next dream. I have to work my butt off to get to that tournament, I registered but I haven't faced anyone yet! Come-on subconscious, get me lucid! I'm waiting for the day (night) where Dreamy WB pulls up in the driveway and tells me we're going to the arena.

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    side notes
