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    Behind The Scenes - Dream No. 113

    by , 05-14-2017 at 07:49 AM (328 Views)
    I was ecstatic once I woke up and realised I had this dream. This is actually the first time I have had a task to accomplish in a lucid dream rather than just aimlessly bumming around in them.

    Dream No. 113

    The Realization
    As soon as I became lucid, I was instantly aware that there was a task waiting for me. Just yesterday, I lifted my practice to extreme measures compared to usual. I wrote a pretend letter to my "Dreamy Guardian" and this morning, I also thought I'd try WBTB. I quietly said to my dreamy guardian before bed, "Can you wake me up at 5 in the morning?". I found out in the morning that I woke up at 5:42, so she was 42 minutes late but it was still in the 5:00 hour span. I then said to myself in the morning, "You're not falling asleep until 6", so I'd at least I'd have 15 minutes awake. I don't remember staying awake until 6, I think tiredness took over early, so I may have only spent 5 - 10 minutes awake. But the time I had the stick dream was after this 5:42 AM WBTB period.

    The Stick's Attitude
    When the stick appeared, it was just laying there, waiting for me to do something to it. I think this dream's approach was like "if you leave nature alone, it will leave you alone"... Also like "If you harm nature, you'll be sorry" OR "never underestimate the power of nature". The term I used to describe this stick to my family this morning was "this little passive-aggressive stick".

    Tournament Abilities
    I realised I had used both abilities in dream. Now that I'm awake I realize I could never damage the stick if dreamy WB didn't paralyse it... It just kept growing back on me. I imagine that the stick was undergoing rapid mitosis to replace damaged cells but Dreamy WB must have induced some form of apoptosis (controlled cell death). I also think that the head was the only part that could re-grow and no other parts of the stick had this ability, just like a plant can keep growing but if you pull it out of the ground, it eventually dies.

    I'm so surprised that the dream took into consideration the 30 second rule for Tier C (and Tier B) enemies... And it was exactly 30 seconds, no time manipulation like 29 or 31 seconds. Also, the dream didn't mess up my counting either, it perfectly went from 1 - 30. It's like the dream knew I was using myself as a timer and the rules of waking time were kept.

    The second ability "bandage" was used in the toothpick scene. I did specify that Dreamy WB would use the correct body part to cover the surface area of the injury... I described her hand or her whole body, but I never thought about just a finger, so the dream one-upped me there. Come to think of it, her hand would have been way too big to get into the eye area, so her finger was just the right healing instrument.

    Staying Focused
    It's like the dream was using my mum to distract me out of lucidity. What I find amazing is that I was able to stay so focused and not be forced out of the dream... This is the first time I was able to stay so focused. I remember in Dream No. 93, that dream spat me out when I wasn't finished.

    Physical Attack
    In the battle terms, I did state that my primary attack was "ice flail". Now I am not a master of lucidity yet and so I am still susceptible to some aspects of the dream manipulating me. What the dream did do was manipulate the purpose of my primary attack into breaths rather than a piece of equipment. And it went through the whole elemental cycle too. I think the dream knew I wanted ice and that's why it put that element last... The dream was testing me to see if I would be tempted by my other 3 potential elements. As I knew I'd be cheating, I did make it so that fire, earth and electricity would have no effect.

    Dream No. 113 - Concept Art by KarlaB14 on DeviantArt

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