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    Dream - Can't Get The Guide & Airport Chaos

    by , 05-10-2018 at 04:49 AM (302 Views)
    Date of Dream: THU 10 MAY - 2018

    Dream No. 327 - Separated Sections

    Dream 327 A - Can't Get The Guide (Lucid Dream 18)
    I don't remember much of this dream. From what I can remember, I was at some unknown house, although it was in my local area. I looked down at my fingers and took in the abnormal six... This is when I became aware that I was dreaming. I knew what I wanted to do this time. I walked backwards and forwards across the kitchen while saying “Dreamy WB! You've got to come and penalise Logan, I have to check his mail!”.

    No matter what I did, there was no response; she just would not appear. I was determined this time to not lose a chance with lucidity and I wanted to achieve those tasks. I kept calling and calling until I eventually woke up to attend to my blocked nose.

    Dream 327 B - Airport Chaos
    I don't remember how this dream started. From where I can remember, I was at this unknown airport. I see all these people around the place that are familiar to me. There's this company advertising themselves and at the booth are these famous American people; I don't know them though, they only claim to be famous in the dream. I went up to them but forgot what happened specifically. I think I was ignored, they disregarded me.

    I saw Logan with these people and so I went to speak to him. He led me into another room of the airport that resembled an old, worn down $2 shop. He was showing me all of this supposed Jeffy merchandise which he was complaining about. He said he didn't like a lot of the stuff and that it was bringing his YouTube channel down. I see these plain coloured light blue T-shirts hanging on a rack and so I ask Logan if they're apart of the downfall; he said they weren't.

    The dream then shifted scenes to be in the parent's bedroom of my old house. I was in the bed, scrolling on my phone. I was on my Facebook account, typing a comment on the The GamerLand Podcast page, explaining to Kevin Miller what TAFE meant, since he did previously ask. Note, that what has already happened is an exact replica of what happened in real life. The following events are unique to the dream.

    Once I publish the comment, Kevin comes physically walking into the room, standing at the foot of the bed. We talk and I find out that he didn't see the comment. I became somewhat frustrated, giving a heavy sigh as I open my phone up to show him the comment on the spot. He came and sat on the bed so I could easily face the phone towards him.

    In the dream, the first part of my comment stated something like, “Just wondering if you could maybe come and meet me at 12:00”, I noticed Kevin skipped reading this bit and so I wasn't happy yet again. But he did read the rest of the comment, the portion explaining TAFE and so I was satisfied with that.

    I forgot what Kevin was doing in the room from this point. A random ginger coloured cat, that wasn't mine, came into the room and hopped up onto the bed. It went for me and for some weird reason was vigorously digging its head in-between my legs. I do recall Kevin laughing and making a comment but I forgot what it was; I only faintly remember it was something about “lucid cat”.

    Back at the airport, I wasn't in the main complex but was rather stranded on the top of some thinly made brick tower. I do remember the weather was cold and the sky was grey, so thankfully there was a tin roof above me and rails surrounding the top so I wouldn't fall off. With me was this little boy with blonde hair and a slightly older boy kid that I have forgotten the appearance of... All three of us were stuck here on the roof.

    I told the little blonde boy, and the other kid who was listening in, that Dreamy WB could get us down. So I started calling for her and as it wasn't an immediate response, I had to call for her many times. After listening to me for some time, the little blonde kid actually piped in and started calling “Dreamy WB!” as well. I said to him that it wasn't a good idea for him to do so as multiple voices could confuse her.

    After some time, it was just me again. Dreamy WB actually came floating down from the sky as a hologram and hovered next to the tower, getting herself into a sitting position. Both me and the two boys climbed over the rails and parked ourselves onto her. Once she rode us down, she actually disappeared again. I don't remember what else happened in this dream.

    Dream Tasks
    - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? No)
    - Investigate where my SML postage has gone (Achieved? No)
    - Reach the Gyeongbokgung Palace (Achieved? No)

    Dream 327: Results (Competition #3)

    327 A
    Competition Night: 9
    Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Lucid
    Dream Guide: None
    Emergency Team: None
    Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

    327 B
    Competition Night: 9
    Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
    Dream Guide: Dreamy WB
    Emergency Team: None
    Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

    Points For This Entry: 23.0
    Calculation Details:
    - Reality Check, Fingers (5.0)
    - Become Lucid (10.0)
    - Was Induced via DILD (5.0)
    - Full Non-Lucid Dream: 327 B (1.0)
    - Help Someone In Need, The Little Boys - NL (1.0)
    - Summon A Dream Guide, Dreamy WB - NL (1.0)

    + Previous Total: 54.0
    Total Accumulated Points: 77.0

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    Updated 06-10-2018 at 10:48 AM by 93119

    lucid , non-lucid
