Dream - Cantankerous Cat
, 05-23-2018 at 11:50 AM (247 Views)
Date of Dream: WED 23 MAY - 2018
Dream No. 340 - Cantankerous Cat
There was a first scene playing in the dream but I forgot what happened. It is from the second scene that I can recall the events of this dream. It was right at midnight and I was standing in my grandma's room. In real life, her room is plain pine flooring and the bed is on the left as you walk in. In the dream, there was no bed and there was a carpet in the middle of the room. Nothing was happening but after a few seconds, the cat walked in.
At first, the cat was passive but eventually, she become wild and aggressive. I appeared to be holding this yellow wrapped chocolate behind my back. The cat hissed and then jumped up at me, I could feel her sharp claws digging through me, trying to go for the chocolate. Each time the cat would jump at me and dig her claws into me, I would throw her off, chucking her further and further after each attempt. At the same time, she got nastier and nastier, and more ferocious with each attempt.
Now her eyes were all black and beady and she was going absolutely crazy. Now I was really scared, especially because nothing I did was working. I decided to call for “Miss T!”, frequently doing so, but there was no response. My mum appeared and started talking to me but she didn't do much to get rid of the cat. I did tell my mum what I was trying to do and that I wasn't getting a response. My mum suggested me to try another method.
So when my mum disappeared again, I called out repetitively, “Dreamy WB!”. It actually worked this time. She appeared and her appearance was that of the frizzy pigtail and she was wearing a casual black jumper with black sports leggings and black canvas shoes with a white border. She walked through the open door into the bedroom and gave me a quick rub on the back. The cat was still at me though and so Dreamy WB proceeded by actually taking matters into her own hands, literally.
She took the cat into her own hands. While the cat's claws were still dug into my arm, Dreamy WB gently removed her and cradled the cat in her arms. The cat was relaxed now, in-fact she was sleeping! Being extremely quiet and slow, Dreamy WB walked the cat out of the room, bobbing around in a magical, mysterious sort of motion. When Dreamy WB was completely out of the room, the scene changed.
The next scene took place at Chadstone shopping centre with my mum, my mum's friend AV and my grandma being there. My mum told me that they wanted to do some shopping on their own and so I was to take the car and wait for them at AV's house. On my drive there, I come across this white van and it goes in front of me to stop me. I get out my mum's car and look through the window of the van, it's my diploma friends but they look really wild and nasty in this dream. One of the guys, AM, had sharp teeth and saliva was actually dripping from his mouth.
There was another guy that I recognised, T. He didn't have any distorted looks about him and he didn't act wild, but he wasn't himself either. He asked me to help RV with her teeth (which I saw her sitting still inside at the back of the van) but as I was looking at AM, I thought that he was the one that actually needed help with his teeth. I didn't know what to do and so I got into the car and drove it to the nearby parking lot.
When I got out of the car, AM came but I forgot what he said to me. I went to the boot and had a look at the car's registration plate; in the dream, it was “831 601”. I then opened the boot and there were all these latches on the border of it. The more I tightened one, the more water came out of these nozzles and filled the bottom of the boot. That's all I can remember about this dream.
Dream Tasks
- Re-stabilize in-dream performance from Dreamy WB; she hasn't been appearing lately (Achieved? YES)
- Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? No)
- Investigate where my SML postage has gone (Achieved? No)
- Reach the Gyeongbokgung Palace (Achieved? Partially)
- Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No)
- Get the bottom of the cause of dream guide hindrance (Achieved? No)
- In accordance to the "shared dreaming experiment" proceed on locating the moon (Achieved? No)
Dream 340: Results (Competition #3)
Competition Night: 22
Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
Dream Guide: Dreamy WB
Emergency Team: None
Eligible For Competition Points: Yes
Points For This Entry:
Calculation Details:
- Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0)
- Summon Dream Guide (1.0)
+ Previous Total: 126.0
Total Accumulated Points: 128.0