Dream - Forgot My Luggage & RPG Battle Rules & My Friend Has The Same Phone
, 05-20-2018 at 06:44 AM (274 Views)
Date of Dream: SUN 20 MAY - 2018
Dream No. 337 - Separated Sections
Dream 337 A - Forgot My Luggage
I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, I was at some unknown camp site, supposedly in Canberra, with my high school. We were about to leave and people were rushing me to get out of my cabin. I remember throwing all my clothes around the room in a hurry, trying to get them to my suitcase but they never got to the suitcase.
The next scene was when we were actually at the airport and as soon as we got past the security gates, I started freaking out. I looked into the sky, as this was an outdoor airport, and I called out in a distressed tone, “Miss T! I forgot my luggage! Can you please being it here?”. The dream prevented her from responding again but a girl had walked up to me who had left my high school in real life in 2013. JSc said to me that I didn't need any luggage and she told me to come with her.
We got to this no-roofed, black car that had nine seats in it. My friend LA was there but she didn't say much when I told her I had left my luggage behind. I got into the back three seats and I was wondering who was going to sit with me. At first, I thought it was going to be my friend LA but then she moved into the middle three with SW and some other girl. JSc got into the back with me and there was also this other girl that I forgotten the identity of. That's all I can remember about this dream.
Dream 337 B - RPG Battle Rules
I forgot what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, I was in some completely unknown indoor area. A small version of Super Mario was there; one that could run, jump and talk to me. Something dangerous was happening in the background but I forgot what it was. Murray was also there; and the energy that I was perceiving from him, it felt like he was a father figure towards me in this dream. He was wearing his blue crop top, white scarf, brown belt and black shoes but he was not wearing his mask and gloves. He also had a more realistic skin texture in this dream as well as his goggles being 3D and touchable, and then his top was out of actual fabric.
I was standing on some big empty beach, bright blue sky, really yellow sand and crystal clear water and waves; almost like it was an actual game, but at the same time it wasn't. There was this small enemy facing me that I had forgotten the identity of, I think it looked somewhat like a crab with a big pointy shell on it. Murray wasn't with me at this stage and so the sky turned grey and there was some writing in the sky. It said something like, “If your health falls to 0, you will pass out and be forced to restart the battle”.
Murray then faded back into vision, exact same appearance, and was standing on the esplanade, watching me. They sky turned blue again but not as blue as it was before. Eventually, my health actually reached zero and with Murray there, the command blocks popped up while the background of the environment went grey-scale to show that I was temporarily dead or inactive. The two command blocks available to me at the time were “Flee” which was the exact same icon and behaviour as in the Mario RPGs, or “Revive”, which was an icon with a gold crown and royal purple ribbon hanging from it. I selected “Revive”, which brought me back to full health and the battle continued from where it left off; the enemy keeping damage it had already received from me.
Back in the unknown indoor area, Mario, still in his small size and was saying something to me but I forgot what it was. There was an area that resembled this Mario 2D platformer level in the graphics of one of Bowser's castles but with no lava anywhere. Mario was going to traverse through it. I wanted to traverse through it as well but then I thought I wouldn't do well in this level, so I decided I couldn't. Murray came up to me, put his hand on my shoulder and said that he would go. So therefore, Murray was going to act on my behalf.
He shrunk down in size to be of a more accurate proportion to Mario, of course, his hippo frame being slightly bigger than Mario. Murray then encased himself into some sort of iron ball with spikes around it. The goofy feature wasn't necessary where this ball had had some weird looking blue eyes on it and a white grin with some chipped teeth; this made the ball look somewhat creepy. Through the blue eyes though, they were glass and so I could see Murray in it, tucked into a ball shape with his hands clutching onto some metal bar handle so he could control the direction of the ball.
Mario then raced off into the level stage set, he was running and jumping through with no problems. Murray soon came on following Mario and he was rolling around the stage set and making the ball jump where necessary. At some points, some of Bowser's spike drills would come crashing down but Murray would always get out of the way; Mario was already at a much later stage of the level, he was way too fast for Bowser's defences to even activate.
Eventually though, Murray had caught up to Mario and so they were travelling almost simultaneously near the end of the level; Mario was still slightly in front though. As they were approaching the end of the level, there were going to be two separate pathways. Mario was going to go and jump on his flag as usual, to turn into the classic M flag. With Murray, there was a goal set up, the poles being marked with two white and pink flags, with a purple K printed on them. Once Murray had rolled through the goal, the flags started sailing and the dream ended.
Dream 337 C - My Friend Has The Same Phone
I don't remember much about this dream. From what I can remember, I was at my old house, in the sitting room, talking to my friend Jasmine. I was checking out her phone when I saw that her battery settings were a bit strange. I noticed that her phone was the same make as mine and so I went into her settings and showed her how to make the battery percentage visible as a number reading. That's all I can remember about this dream.
Dream Tasks
- Re-stabilize in-dream performance from Dreamy WB; she hasn't been appearing lately (Achieved? Partially)
- Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? No)
- Investigate where my SML postage has gone (Achieved? No)
- Reach the Gyeongbokgung Palace (Achieved? No)
- Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No)
- Get the bottom of the cause of dream guide hindrance (Achieved? No)
Dream 337: Results (Competition #3)
337 A
Competition Night: 19
Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
Dream Guide: JSc (Not on the official Dream Guide Team though)
Emergency Team: None
Eligible For Competition Points: Yes
337 B
Competition Night: 19
Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
Dream Guide: Murray & Mario
Emergency Team: None
Eligible For Competition Points: Yes
337 C
Competition Night: 19
Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
Dream Guide: None
Emergency Team: None
Eligible For Competition Points: Yes
Points For This Entry: 7.5
Calculation Details:
- Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0)
- Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0)
- Non-Lucid Fragment (0.5)
- 5-Day Recall Chain (5.0)
+ Previous Total: 105.5
Total Accumulated Points: 113.0
Murray maintained the same appearance throughout the whole of Dream 337 B