Dream - The Good, The Bad And The Unethical & Sly Game Simulation
, 04-28-2018 at 10:51 AM (340 Views)
Date of Dream: SAT 28 APR - 2018
Dream No. 317 - Separated Sections
Dream 317 A - The Good, The Bad And The Unethical
I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was at our extended family's house in Geelong. The two family members that live there, RC and her son AC, were looking after a little girl. Obviously things weren't good... The little girl was crying and both RC and AC were yelling at her. Then, when my mum came into the kitchen, she joined in on the yelling as well.
I was standing in the distance and I thought to myself, “the behaviour of the adults is appalling!”. I went up to them, who were all still yelling and bickering at the girl, overwhelming her and I pulled the girl away from them all. I asked the little girl what was wrong and she told me, I forgot what she said though. I told her that my dream guide could help her. So I walked around the small house and spent some time calling for Dreamy WB.
Eventually, Dreamy WB appeared in the distance, at the other end of the house past the kitchen. Her hair was out in an asymmetrical afro and she was wearing a navy and white stripy jumper with dark jeans. Dreamy WB was very skinny in this dream but the dream had also made her look so charming and dreamy. Her eyes actually had pigments in them that would sparkle at times, like glitter under light.
From the scene where Dreamy WB appeared, the dream camera actually perceived first-person mode to be on the little girl; so I could be seen watching the little girl as she went over to Dreamy WB. In addition to Dreamy WB's beautiful figure, she gave the widest smile, showing the utmost whitest teeth. She bent her knees slightly, taping her hands on her legs, beckoning for the little girl to come to her.
Once the little girl was at the foot of her, Dreamy WB said nothing but instead gave her a long, hard hug as she wiped her face clean of tears on Dreamy WB's jumper. And then after that, Dreamy WB actually kissed her on the forehead. Although it was the little girl in first-person mode, all the sensations felt as if I was the one receiving the affection. That's all I can remember about this dream.
Dream 317 B - Sly Game Simulation
I don't remember how the dream started. From where I can remember, I was in a slightly distorted version of Venice from the third Sly game. I was in this circular arena-like area with pillars and a ring around the top, resembling where Bentley sung with Octavio, only it was bigger. Also, the floor was out of stone brick with small vessels of moss decorating it and the whole arena was surrounded by water, except for the linking footpath where I originally came from.
All the graphics, everything in this dream was a resemblance of the Venice level in the third sly game. The little owl and cat enemies were coming at me, with the owls fluttering and the little cats waving their small fire sticks. There was some readable text in the sky. One block of text was subtitled under “WB” and the other under “No WB”. I knew what it meant and so I paid attention to the text that was titled “No WB” because as a true fact, I didn't have her with me. That piece of text said “You will not have the ability to deal any direct damage to your foes”.
I had the exact same moves and abilities as Sly, meaning that I had possession of a cane but as I was without WB, I was not allowed to use the cane. Instead, I pulled an “alarm clock” out of my pocket and threw it at the approaching guards. Once it hit the ground, it started ringing. In the Sly games, the alarm clock lures enemies but this one had the opposite effect. The noise was so deafening and the clock was so bouncy that it repelled them! Once in the water, the enemies died in a puff of smoke; exactly the same physics and laws as the actual game.
After a few rounds of the alarm clock, there were no more enemies. I was just standing in the arena, contemplating life and the environment around me. I decided to open the gadgets menu and try on some costumes. First, I put on the Venice thug costume and then I switched over into the pirate costume. The dream ended after that.
Dream Trophies Achieved:
- None
Dream 317: Competition Results
317 A
Competition Night: 27
Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
Estimated Length of Dream (Lucid Only): N/A
Dream Guide: Dreamy WB
Emergency Team: None
Eligible For Competition Points: Yes
317 B
Competition Night: 27
Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
Estimated Length of Dream (Lucid Only): N/A
Dream Guide: None
Emergency Team: None
Eligible For Competition Points: Yes
Points For This Entry: 2.0
Calculation Details:
- Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0)
- Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0)
+ Previous Total: 22.5
Total Accumulated Points: 24.5