Dream - Pinned To The Ground & We Almost Had Him & Return Of The Elements
, 06-26-2018 at 07:06 AM (302 Views)
Date of Dream: TUE 26 JUN - 2018
Dream No. 361 - Separated Sections
Dream 361 A - Pinned To The Ground
I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, the whole family was paying a visit to the newly renovated Glen Shopping Centre and this time, all the stores were open. I don't particularly remember all the stores we went into though. I can recall that the family had lunch there and we checked all the corridors.
When leaving, we didn't take the car and so had to head over to the train station. The layout of Glen Waverley was distorted in this dream and so was the look of the train station. Although there was easy stair and ramp access, my parents were making out like there was no other option but to take the lift. My dad was forcefully declaring that I take the lift but I was having none of that, so I fled from the family.
I was now in the air, hovering when I heard Dreamy WB's voice. She was telling me that Logan was nearby and to stop him from going any further. I thought to myself, “I'm gonna get him now”. I saw Logan in his typical yellow Jeffy T-shirt, walking alongside this other blonde guy. He didn't even notice me as I picked up speed in the air and then went down for an aerial tackle. The other guy gained a shocked facial expression and ran away in fright.
Meanwhile, I had Logan pinned to the ground while waiting for Dreamy WB to physically show up. I placed both my hands on each of his shoulders, looking him in the eyes like “you're not going anywhere”. At first, he tried to move his head upward slightly but eventually just gave up, having a look of emptiness, embarrassment and defeat on his face. The dream ended before Dreamy WB could appear.
Dream 361 B - We Almost Had Him (Lucid Dream 21)
The dream started and I had appeared in the driveway of my house. For some reason, I was aware of my environment straight away although no reality checks were performed (I don't use WILD in waking life either). I said to myself, “I almost had him!”. The first thing I did was to immediately call out for Dreamy WB as I started walking down the court. I stood just in front of the neighbour's house as I called so I get could get a good view down the hill.
It didn't take long before I caught sight of Dreamy WB walking up the hill. She was wearing her real counterpart's school uniform. Her physical appearance was clean and accurate, her hair styled straight and in a low bun, only her hair was more red than usual. As she came up to me, she had her arms spread out and she gave me a tight hug. We then released each other but after a few seconds, I felt like I wanted to hug her again. I spread my arms out and she gently put hers around me.
When we released the second time, I said to her, “We almost had him!”, based on the fact that I consciously remembered the last dream. In a soothing tone, she told me that she would take me up to the oval near the school and we would catch him there. Just as she was getting into position and I was getting ready to board her lap, I woke up.
Dream 361 C - Return Of The Elements
I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was in this random, unknown suburban area. Apparently, it was some kind of program for socialisation and slight amounts of spiritual training. I would explore the streets of the suburb but as I got further and further, the streets looked different and I got lost at some points. The group ended up at their first camping site down the hill in a slanted front yard of some random house.
A boy there had a cauldron cooking over some wood but there was another boy further down the hill that couldn't turn his cauldron on. I went down there and I said to him, “there is another way to turn on the stove, hence I will demonstrate the element of fire that I possess”; the boy was quite shy and didn't really say anything. It felt like I was just breathing a constant stream of invisible, hot mist but I could see the flames appearing on his cauldron and soon, it was as hot as the other one was with the cauldron surrounded by a full, raging orange fire.
In a later part of the dream, I had asked some of the kids in the group if I had shown them all of my elements. I then remember I had already shown them fire via the cauldron and also electricity by powering up the pole. I then looked up to the roof of the house and on it was some weird spinning decoration. It would spin for a while and then it would slow down and stop, the process would keep repeating itself.
I said I wouldn't demonstrate ice as it would immediately stop the spinning object and shatter it. I said that even if spinning at top speed, earth would slow it down and grind it to a stop. I went just below the ledge of the roof and breathed the earth element upwards, releasing green pulsating energy. As the object was slowing down, I asked the group, “do you any of you notice an affect?”. One of the boys said they didn't and so I thought to myself, “damn it, I must have matched the sequence too much”.
I was then in the car with my mum and we were driving back towards home but still in unfamiliar areas. She asked me how I felt about the school holiday program. I said to her that it was good because they let you by yourself and do whatever you want rather than bossing you around all the time. That's all I can remember about this dream.
Dream Tasks
- Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially)
- Reach the Gyeongbokgung Palace (Achieved? Partially)
- Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No)
- In accordance to the "shared dreaming experiment" proceed on locating the moon (Achieved? No)
- In case of extended absences with Dreamy WB, train Murray on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No)
Dream 361: Results (Competition #4)
361 A
Competition Night: 25
Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
Dream Guide: Dreamy WB
Emergency Team: None
Eligible For Competition Points: Yes
361 B
Competition Night: 25
Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
Dream Guide: Dreamy WB
Emergency Team: None
Eligible For Competition Points: Yes
361 C
Competition Night: 25
Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
Dream Guide: None
Emergency Team: None
Eligible For Competition Points: Yes
Points For This Entry: 32.5
Calculation Details:
- Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0)
- Fly (1.0)
- Have A Dream Guide Appear Automatically (0.5)
- First Lucid Dream Of The Night (10.0)
- DILD or WILD...? (5.0)
- Summon A Dream Guide (10.0)
- Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0)
- Breathe An Element: Dream showed x2 (2.0)
- Old Personal Goal Achieved During NL: Regain elemental abilities (2.0)
+ Previous Total: 98.5
Total Accumulated Points: 131.0
I'm on holidays now and so I can fully focus on achieving dream tasks. I decided to get a move on and start looking at Dreamy WB disciplining Logan as first proposed a couple of months ago. I spent a really hard slog over the few days, writing heaps in my diary and reciting catch phrases before going to sleep. Then the dream decided to get in the way by prohibiting me to summon Dreamy WB. Before bed last night, I used a technique that I've used before; writing a letter to the Awareness Behind The Dream (ABTD) and it worked, I saw progress (as seen in Dream 361 A and B). It was fun to write the end of Dream 361 A, I find it absolutely hilarious how the dream had set me to fly and then ambush him myself, honing in on him like a missile!
I'll either work towards getting him done in by a dream guide, which is the next step to complete the penalty. Or I'll work on sending a dream guide to pay Dawn a visit, talking to her and checking to see if her in-dream self says she's okay. Only Dreamy WB can execute Logan's penalty. Either Dreamy WB or Murray can go and see Dawn.