Dream - The Scary Metal Room & Fear Of A Power Outage
, 10-06-2018 at 11:41 AM (454 Views)
Date of Dream: SAT 6 OCT - 2018
Dream No. 444 - Separated Sections
Dream 444 A - The Scary Metal Room
I don’t remember what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, I was in the car park of the private hospital in my old local area. 18-Volt was there in his WarioWare Gold appearance but I forgot what we were doing at the start. I then seemed to be in this metal box that was situated in the car park and 18-Volt, in physical form but hovering, was talking to me. He said that he couldn’t be with me anymore and hearing that had me concerned.
He explained why and said that the room was now going to be really hot; then the temperature actually rose. Then he made mention of the sun and the light became absolutely blinding that entered through the vents, causing me to squint really heavily. It almost felt like it was the start of some sort of nightmare as all these really horrible conditions were coming into play once 18-Volt had warned me of them. That’s all I can remember about this dream.
Dream 444 B - Fear Of A Power Outage
I can’t remember much about this dream. From what I can remember, I was in a distorted version of my bedroom and my year 10 homeroom teacher was there. He was asking me to do something for him which I felt horribly awkward and grossed out about. It involved hovering a sheet over him as he walked to an ambulance outside… Wearing nothing!
In later scene of the dream, there was this little girl that had a lot of physical features about her, making her look half way between WB and Dreamy WB, but she was a completely different person. She was asking me for help and so I took her into my house. I walk her over into the sitting room and she mentions something about if there would be a power outage. I put one hand on her shoulder, the other arm pointing at the light switch and told her not to worry. I flicked a switch but the lights didn’t come on. That’s all I can remember for this dream.
Dream Competition #8 (2018) - Housekeeping Details:
Dream Guides (Worth 10 points if lucidly summoned):
1. Dreamy WB/Miss T
2. Murray
3. 18-Volt
Emergency Team (Can act as dream guides but are only 5 points if lucidly summoned):
1. Sly
2. Bentley
3. 9-Volt
Scoring Template...
Competition Night:
Lucid or Non-Lucid:
Dream Guide:
Emergency Team:
Eligible For Competition points:
Points Calculator...
Points For This Entry:
Calculation Details:
Total Accumulated Points:
Dream Measurement Criteria:
Non-Lucid Fragment = 2 or less paragraphs
Full Non-Lucid Dream = 3 or more paragraphs
Competition #8 - Personal Goals
Old – On lap travel, have Dreamy WB travel faster than a car
Old –Utilise a time ability like in Spyro The Eternal Night
Old –What visible power/s can Dreamy WB unleash?
Old –Discover where Dreamy WB lives; do I live with her?
Old –Win against the parents without any dream guide help
Old –Talk to your deceased grandfather with any dream guide present
Old –Have Dreamy WB meet Murray as a human; what is her reaction?
Old –Have all the members of the Dream Guide Team appear in one dream
Old –Go to Diamond City
Old –Act as officer for your own Diamond City Fair Work Commission and have Wario in trouble for underpaying his employees
Old –Have Dreamy WB execute the above task (Fair Work Commission)
Old – In Diamond City, execute a task on 18-Volt's behalf
New – Have 18-Volt assist you for a second attempt in taking the elevator
New – Have 18-Volt assist you for a third attempt in taking the elevator
New – Encounter 18-Volt without any glasses or headset
New – Have 18-Volt provide an instance of discipline to the parents
New – Personally witness 18-Volt asking Dreamy WB a question (or vice-versa, Dreamy WB teaching something to 18-Volt
New – Swap roles; act as a dream guide yourself towards 18-Volt
New – Provide an instance of guidance to 9-Volt
New – Have any member of the WarioWare crew comment what they think of your current outfit
New – Have Dreamy WB interact with any member of the October DV Competition roster
New – Have 18-Volt interact with any member of the October DV Competition roster
New – Have Dreamy WB or 18-Volt play havoc on a DV competition rival
New – Does 18-Volt know what lucid dreaming is? Have that amazing talk with him OR see what knowledge he spills without you saying anything.
Dream 444: Results (Competition #8)
444 A
Competition Night: 1
Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
Dream Guide: 18-Volt
Emergency Team: None
Eligible For Competition Points: Yes
444 B
Competition Night: 1
Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
Dream Guide: Me
Emergency Team: None
Eligible For Competition Points: Yes
Points For This Entry: 4.5
Calculation Details:
- Non-Lucid Fragment (0.5)
- Non-Lucid Fragment (0.5)
- Have A Dream Guide Automatically Appear (0.5)
- Help someone in need (1.0)
- Be A Dream Guide Yourself (2.0)
+ Previous Total: 0.0
Total Accumulated Points: 4.5