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    Dream - Scary Multilevel Carpark & The Denying Lucid Dream Character & Beware The Panda King

    by , 04-26-2018 at 07:11 AM (329 Views)
    Date of Dream: THU 26 APR - 2018

    Dream No. 316 - Separated Sections

    Dream 316 A - Scary Multilevel Carpark
    I don't remember how the dream started. From where I can remember, it was night time and my grandma were out in this unknown suburban area, supposedly a distorted version of Glen Waverley. We were heading towards the multilevel car-park and so I knew that there was going to be some encounter with lifts; therefore, I attempted to call for Dreamy WB in the time I had left.

    I ended up calling out “Miss T!”. This dream made it so my grandma had the most Aussie accent ever, which sounded weird on her. She asked me, “Who's Miss T?”. Since my grandma wasn't anywhere near as harmful as my parents, I told my grandma “She's my dream guide, she's going to help me get to the car”. I kept calling out but there was no response.

    Sooner rather than later, we reached the base of the car-park building and I said to myself that I had failed to summon Dreamy WB. Since I was without her, I walked up the stairs, trembling, hoping not to see any lifts nearby... I certainly felt the sense of isolation and vulnerability in me. Around the corner of the stair well, there was a giant lift door, giving me the fright of my life. I was trying to run past it but the dream forced me to be in slow motion. I had to get past before the door would open.

    I thought that was the end once I passed it but what I only realised now was that the car was on the top floor, so that meant a further climb. I passed the lift door on the next floor and it was the same thing, trying to hurry away from it, only to be tortured into slow motion. After that, the dream ended there.

    Dream 316 B - The Denying Lucid Dream Character (Lucid Dream 16)
    The dream started with me heading the local park half way the distance between my old house and my current house. Just like I was a little child, I wanted to go for the swings. So I was swinging for a while and watching as the actual little kids started to walk up the grass, some with their parents and some without, and head for the play equipment.

    Eventually, this lady who looked like a mum but didn't have any kids with her came to the park. There was a little boy with dark hair on the swing next to me and the lady offered to push him, she soon offered to push me as well and I quite enjoyed it. The lady eventually got into some friendly conversation with me, I forgot what it was about at the start.

    Eventually though, the lady was telling me something about a feature of hers and this is when things started to feel funny. I forgot what the first thing was but the second thing she told me was that she had no nostrils. In an annoyed tone, I said “of course you have nostrils!” as I looked up at her nose; on the inside, I was thinking “how could someone be so dumb”. I was doing a series of reality checks not on myself but on the lady.

    I end up saying out loud but more a tone towards myself, “hang on, this is actually a dream.... I'm dreaming”. The lady, who I worked out to have an American accent goes to me, “oh come on, you're not dreaming!”. I looked at her, scrutinising her, judging her, while I had my arms folded over. I then said to her in a quick, no-nonsense tone, “show me your fingers”. The lady lifted up both her hands and I slowly and carefully counted them.

    The fingers were hard to count at first but soon I say to her, “you have eleven (11) of them! How can this not be a dream?”. The lady started to look mad now and really frustrated. I certainly knew about the dreaming situation now, so I decided to call out for Dreamy WB which is always the first step to the journey when I confirm that I am lucid. The lady turned from good to bad, I think she knew what I was up to and she had a plan to ruin my fun.

    She tells me she hasn't got eleven fingers, she tells me instead “I've got three-hundred and eleven (311) of 'em”, followed by a cunning, evil grin”. Her fingers literally lengthen to be like tentacles and she also grows a few more. She then comes after me, trying to frighten me by tickling me with those supposed three-hundred and eleven tentacles. I try calling for Dreamy WB still as I battle to not let the scary tickling feeling get to me. I failed; the tickling was overwhelming and I was forced awake.

    Dream 316 C - Beware The Panda King
    I don't remember how the dream started. From what I can remember, I was at my other grandparents' house, mainly in their sitting room. What was taking place was sort of like a Mario Party event, four players like the actual game, two that I didn't know, and then there was Sly and the Panda King. The first two players took their turn as normal, hitting a floating dice and then doing whatever they had to do. When it became Sly's turn, he hit the dice and went over to “interact with the Panda King” who was situated near the front entrance of the house.

    His interactions with the Panda King at the start were normal but as he took more turns, I noticed that things were starting to not feel right. The dream now acted in first-person mode from Sly's perspective. I am going to write the recap as if Sly was writing it:

    So I roll the die a third time, just like the other times but on my way to the Panda King, I see three girls at the sliding door. It's Karla with her friends who she calls Leah and Jasmine. Karla looks worried and she tells me “Sly, Jasmine and I are here to warn you. Beware, the Panda King, he is up to no good”. So Leah must have come just now. Well, I certainly didn't heed her advice and I stayed well away from the Panda King.

    I don't remember anything else about this dream.

    Dream Trophies Achieved:

    - None

    Dream 316: Competition Results

    316 A
    Competition Night: 25
    Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
    Estimated Length of Dream (Lucid Only): N/A
    Dream Guide: None
    Emergency Team: None
    Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

    316 B
    Competition Night: 25
    Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Lucid
    Estimated Length of Dream (Lucid Only):1 - 5 Minutes
    Dream Guide: None
    Emergency Team: None
    Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

    316 C
    Competition Night: 25
    Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
    Estimated Length of Dream (Lucid Only): N/A
    Dream Guide: None
    Emergency Team: None
    Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

    Points For This Entry: 9.0
    Calculation Details:
    - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0)
    - Initiation Of A Lucid Dream (5.0)
    - Maintained A Lucid Within 1 - 5 Minutes (2.0)
    - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0)

    + Previous Total: 13.5
    Total Accumulated Points: 22.5
    DawnEye11, Nebulus and Charles3 like this.

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    Updated 05-08-2018 at 12:21 PM by 93119

    lucid , non-lucid


    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Lol > w < I couldn't help but laugh when you thought that the woman was dumb and the part where she tickles you was really funny too. I was tickled in my dreams in the past as well. Although sometimes the dcs have mal intent when doing it, it's interesting to think about how the dream replicated that tickling sensation.
      Nebulus and KarlaB18 like this.
    2. Nebulus's Avatar
      I always find it interesting that DCs other parts of yourself are essentially not-lucid and will carry on with the dream plot regardless. I wonder if anyone has dreams where there DCs are lucid too
      KarlaB18 likes this.
    3. Charles3's Avatar
      Interesting DC indeedy
      KarlaB18 likes this.
    4. KarlaB18's Avatar
      I've read around the place, for some reason your dreams don't like you becoming lucid. I think in non lucids, you're the dream's puppet whereas in lucids, the dream is your puppet... So it's the opposite way around.
      Nebulus and Charles3 like this.
    5. Charles3's Avatar
      It ok
      KarlaB18 likes this.