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    Dream - Tricky Circumstances

    by , 06-11-2018 at 10:35 AM (253 Views)
    Date of Dream: MON 11 JUN - 2018

    Dream No. 353 - Tricky Circumstances

    I don't remember much of this dream. From where I do remember, I was in some unknown area with my mum and it was enrolment day for the Chisholm-LaTrobe degree. I was in the foyer and all I could see was lifts and so this concerned me. One of the Chisholm teachers KHa was there but I forgot what she said to my mum and I.

    We were then outside and I made mention that I was not going in there without Dreamy WB. No matter what I did, I couldn't find her and she didn't appear in-dream on demand either. That's all I can remember about this dream.

    Dream Tasks
    - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? No)
    - Investigate where my SML postage has gone (Achieved? No)
    - Reach the Gyeongbokgung Palace (Achieved? Partially)
    - Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No)
    - In accordance to the "shared dreaming experiment" proceed on locating the moon (Achieved? No)
    - Decipher a solution to the maze of chambers (Achieved? No)

    Dream 353: Results (Competition #4)
    Competition Night: 10
    Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
    Dream Guide: None
    Emergency Team: None
    Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

    Points For This Entry: 0.5
    Calculation Details:
    - Non-Lucid Fragment (0.5)

    + Previous Total: 56.5
    Total Accumulated Points: 57.0

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