Dream - Weird And Wacky Events
, 05-05-2018 at 04:16 AM (204 Views)
Date of Dream: SAT 5 MAY - 2018
Dream No. 322 - Weird And Wacky Events
I don't remember much of this dream. From what I can remember, I was in some darkened theatre room. Someone was walking around in the auditorium and as a part of the play (taking place in the auditorium, not the stage), we had to hide. I hide under one of the fold-able seats. I forgot what else happened in that scene.
In a later scene, I was in an unknown outdoor area. I was walking around when I came across my friend NN. I forgot what we did though. The scene after had gross content in it and so I will not be recapping anything from that scene. That's all for this dream.
Dream Tasks
- Get Murray back as a regular DC/DG (Achieved? No)
- Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? No)
- Have Kevin M receive minor penalties either from Dreamy WB or myself due to general carelessness (Achieved? No)
- Investigate where my SML postage has gone (Achieved? No)
Dream 322: Results (Competition #3)
Competition Night: 4
Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
Dream Guide: None
Emergency Team: None
Eligible For Competition Points: Yes
Points For This Entry: 0.5
Calculation Details:
- Non-Lucid Fragment (0.5)
+ Previous Total: 7.5
Total Accumulated Points: 8.0
Since I'm not really achieving any "Dream Trophies" anymore, I've replaced that idea with current dream tasks. These are all the things I have my mind that I want to get done in future dreams. The task will be listed and then stated if it was achieved in this dream or not. Tasks can be cancelled if I think they are no longer relevant to real life events or if penalties have been lifted due to the fact that the person did something to amend their negative behaviour in real life.