Dream - We'll Find Kairi & Ballistic Sora & Murder Cave Creator
, 02-16-2021 at 05:29 AM (282 Views)
Date of Dream: FRI 25 SEP - 2020
Dream No. 749 - Separated Sections
Dream 749 A - We'll Find Kairi
I can’t remember much about this dream. From where I do remember, I was in some sort of corporate building, that looked like my university complex but wasn’t. Girls from all different schools came to gather at ‘our school’ and do activities with us. My RE teacher Mr. Bl took my group of mixed girls and we were going to learn a song to perform to the other groups.
Later on in the dream, the school groups seemed to be leaving to go back their own schools. Sora was in one school group, and in this dream, we seemed to know each other, so I came to speak to him before he left, while the teachers were corralling his classmates outside, not knowing where he was yet. Sora seemed to be crying about something, and so I told him, “don’t worry, we’ll find Kairi”, as I hugged him and he returned a big hug back. And then he walked out to join the rest of his group as they walked through the distorted Dandenong to get back to his school. The dream then ended.
Dream 749 B - Ballistic Sora
I can’t remember much about this dream. From where I do remember, Two Rikus were affected by this ‘ballistic’ Sora going everywhere in what seemed to be the floor of a ballet practice room; the two Rikus were carbon copies of each other. In the dream, I could only save one Riku, and for some odd reason, I chose the cloned Riku over the real one, and so the real Riku was ‘wiped out’ by the ballistic Sora. I can’t remember anything else about this dream.
Dream 749 C - Murder Cave Creator
I don’t remember much about this dream at all. The only thing I can remember is that someone from my MNW community appeared this dream, one of the ‘murder cave creators’. That’s all I can remember about this dream.
Dream 749 A
Dream Guide: None
Lucid?: No
Dream 749 B
Dream Guide: None
Lucid?: No
Dream 749 C
Dream Guide: None
Lucid?: No