KayKay on channel 420
, 08-15-2015 at 09:53 PM (556 Views)
Went to sleep at 1 am, woke up at 5:55 am went back to sleep. Popped out briefly between 6:30-7 am. Just like any other night I sleep on my stomach. Body starts to feel like it does when your foot goes to sleep. It's like I heard a room door closing in my house. Everything was dark. I said "Lord I want to see something from my future." All of a sudden a tv screen comes on and I saw bright colors and a like a lady playing with kids. I heard singing of a song that only myself, a guy friend, and a female friend knows the words to because I made it up when he was playing guitar. Body starts to tingle and I'm back in my body. I'm awake...
color purple means lucid.