Started in some sort of room, with my mom and this cute girl. we were playing around traveling through different worlds and I kissed her. We became girlfriend and boyfriend and continued to travel and ended up in a bar. we met two other people in the bar that could use arcana. We all messed around with our powers and when my friends were playing bingo at the bar I used my magic with my pentagram necklace to make it stronger but something backfired and I messed something up, time, or perhaps even myself. I woke up soon after.
Was in school on some sort of school trip thing, i had a cigar that i emptied out and chewed on the insides which tasted like menthol, we were traveling back and forth from this mountainous area to the school grounds
In some foreign country as a child with my family the country is like some crazy nazi dictatorship island and they betray people and lock them up, my uncle finds a way to free me and i get lucky and end up on a train thats leaving the island with some friends i know, but first we have to go through some court trials in abandoned hotel looking buildings to truly leave the island and be free
Updated 06-26-2015 at 05:27 PM by 33068
Not much to remember since it's been many hours after I dreamed this but... I was home first, then ugh...I got dressed...and I saw an old school friend near my old school....I went into some small shed house thing with 3 computers with my mom and my sister.... then I 3:30 AM
Updated 06-26-2015 at 05:29 PM by 33068