$80 champagne and other snippets
, 09-19-2012 at 01:30 PM (623 Views)
19.09.2012$70 champagne (Non-lucid)
Still can't recall full dreams only fragments, so I'll keep journaling hoping that eventually my dream recall gets better.
I slept at about 11 pm and woke up at 12.30. I don't remember any dreams, although I know there was something there. Next I woke up at 2.50 and tried to recall my dream. Managed to remember this bit.
I was in a hotel with hubby and we had a bottle of champagne (could have been a third person as well, but i'm not sure). I went up to the room to pack when I heard a whrring noise like a fax. Checked what it was and it came from a billing machine of sorts. I ripped the paper from the machine and it showed champagne $70 plus something small total $80 for "hubby and the little witch". Hm...that was me I guess.
I took it with me to go down and show it to hubby and when I exited the room i saw two girls on the hall. I went after one of them thinking that she goes to the lift and entered through the door just before it was closing. Noticed that it was a room and not the lift/elevator as I suspected so I said 'sorry' and left.
Next I woke up was 6.30 and I remembered this small weird bit.
There was a village or a place with lots of people. I met a little girl who really liked me. Even though the adults didn't really like me, I was happy that she took to me as I had an ally.
Next I know there is something black flying low above us (sort of like a zeppellin but more of a rectangle shape) with windows. It was kind of creepy and although I didn't touch it, I knew that the material was not metal like real planes but more like leather or similar. People were looking down on us (not sure who I was with). I was really glad that the little girl liked me as the others semed to be almost hostile towards us.
Next I remember (part of the same dream, not quite sure) I gave to some guy my email address to buy something for me, but then I was not very comfortable about it so I sent him an email to ignore this email address as I will change it pretty soon.
At some point I was down in the car garage with my dad and he was taking something (I think petrol/gas) from that guy's car as borrowing. For some reason it was very ok to do that. The guy came down and my dad told him that he was only borrowing some petrol. The guy said it's ok. Then I asked him if he got my email about the email address (now it does seem a bit silly to email about an email address) and he said yes, but it's ok because it won't be happening very soon anyway, there is time.
I've been reading the basic LD course by OpheliaBlue and was thinking about my dream signs and recurring themes are little girls, my family (I'm living in another country so I can only see them for real once a year when I fly down to them) and chocolate.