1/4/2014 - Two non-LD dreams
, 01-05-2014 at 08:14 AM (608 Views)
After a year break, I've decided to give LD another try. So last night I set the intention to wake up at 5 and remember a dream (and if possible get lucid).
Well I woke up at 4.50 and while I didn't remember a dream, I went back to sleep. At 5.50 woke up again, this time with a dream still in my head. Wrote down some keywords in the dark to remember them later and went back to sleep.
At 8 I woke up again as usual, and remembered a second dream. Both non-lucid, but I don't except to have lucid dreams just now when I'm still struggling to remember my regular dreams as it were.
Dream 1.
I was in a very small hotel room with my ex (I do have often dreams about my ex as we were still married). I noticed some money in a glass ashtray, probably left there to the maid from the previous room occupants. As we already took over the room, I took the money, figuring in my mind that it's ours since the maid probably didn't need it. I got a paper $20, some coins and also a Hungarian forint (which is no longer in print for years). In the dream I was also wondering about the coin, and if I were more advanced at it, this would have already been a dream sign to notice.
Small fragment of me going to the balcony and in a neighboring room some guys were in the window, they saw me and started laughing (maybe I was naked? not sure).
Another fragment where we were walking with a girl and her father (?). The girl liked the guy (which is why I'm not sure was her father), she kept putting her hands in his. She had a small black dog, who started to lick my hand and cuddle next to me, and I remember having thought that she would be definitely jealous to see the dog cozy up to me.
Dream 2 after I went to sleep at 5.50
My parents were visiting and I was at school (or work?) taking part in some show. Dressed in some white dancing style clothes and kept looking at my parents to see if they saw me. We left from the building and when we came back, we were changing clothes, but I noticed I'm in house shoes so I was looking for some other shoes to take (that belonged to other people).
I found a brown pair of low closed shoes that I liked, but when I took them in my hands, a girl came and I gave them to her, as the pair were hers. Then I saw another pair of boots, a bit taller, but the owner came as well. So then I decided that I'll go with my parents to shop for my own pair of boots (or shoes).
It was interesting how clearly I remembered the brown boots, I liked especially the shorter pair. If I'll ever see them in a shop nearby, I'll definitely buy them.
Also strange how less moral or ethical things were ok in the dreams, as if they were the most normal thing in the world (taking others's shoes, or taking money from the hotel room without remorse).
Also I noticed that my parents (which are living in another country, so we only get to really meet once a year) feature so often in my dreams. My ex relatively often as well. Guess these are dream signs I'll have to start focusing on.