3 dream fragments in one night
, 09-16-2012 at 07:59 AM (1014 Views)
16.09.2012Dream 1 snippet (Non-lucid)
This is a fragment from a long dream that sadly I don't remember. It ended somewhere around 6.40 when I woke up as hubby went to work.
We went to a kitchen and saw some cupcakes on a tray and they were looking just yummie to eat, but I knew that the cupcakes were not ours. Some girls came in and saw us looking at the cakes and asked if we wanted to eat, but I said only if there are any extras, but she said there were none sadly. Then I asked about the cream (chocolate I think) and I said I remember that cream from home, it was very good. Thne I took out some other food for us (who is us I don't know) to eat. I think it was toast with something.
Next I remember I went to her car (who is she?) and she was driving. It was very dark outside. We saw a guy just looking strangely at the car after us and the girl said something that he doesn't like her (but she really finds him cute), and she was sad about it. Then I realized that we didn't have the lights of the car on, that's why is so dark outside - and that's why the guy was looking so strangely at us. I told her to turn on the lights - and she did.
We got somewhere and we stopped, we got out of the car. We saw the guy also appear. I told her to go talk to him and she did. Then I went away (with my brother?) and let them talk.
16.09.2012Dream 2 snippet (Non-lucid)
This is the second dream from the same night where I remembered much more than before.
I was with I. (my ex husband) with a group (tour?) and we went to a big house/store/museum (not quite sure what it was) to visit. Everything in that house was for sale and there were some great things there that i was looking at. A girl (Di?) just picked up a red leather yoga mat (was very thin, more like a cover though) and went to pay for it. I went around the place and got to a shelf full of decorative mugs, cups, glasses, etc. I picked up a very interesting mug for coffee, it was greenish-blueish and on the side it had a relief of 2 or 3 people etched into the cup. Now that I think about it, I think it was more beautiful than anything I ever saw in real life.
I was wondering how easy it would be to drink from the cup with all those extra bits and pieces on the outside of the cup - wouldn't it be uncomfortable? I told I. that I might get this to take it home with me so we both have with hubby (my current husband) a big coffee cup (bit of real life thing seeping through here as indeed we were speaking once with hubby about getting another big cup so we both have the same). I think the people on the design of the cup were priests or something similar. But then I put it back on the shelf.
I was leaving from that room as I got interested in the lower floor (basement?), was curious what was there. I. disappeared and shortly reappeared with a mattrace in his hands saying that he'll take that home as it's great for his brother. So I went back towards him to check it out.
I was anxious to go down to the basement to see what they're selling there, but I woke up as I felt cold, so my dream ended.
16.09.2012Dream 3 snippet (Non-lucid)
I was going back to sleep and I so hoped I'd end up in the same dream to see what great things that house/shop had. Didn't believe i would though.
When I woke up about an hour and 20 minutes later this is what I remember from the dream. Btw - I ended up back in the dream afterall. That's something that hasn't happened to me in years.
This time I was in the basement and here it was all about food. There was a big room with tables like a restaurant, and a smaller room full of various foods. The interesting part was that you could make your own food (learn how to do it?) with the help of the chefs. The foods were more like half-made and you had to finish them.
Somebody started to mix some noodles (I think) with chocolate cream but eventually she left. I went out and sat at the table and had with me two different types of foods there.I tried one, a chocolate cake, and when I tasted it, the chocolate cream was very bitter and not so great at all.
I made a mental note that when I was going to do the mixing in my own cake, I'd put more sugar in it. Before I knew it I ate almost everything from the plate and then I was worried that now I had to pay for the food - and didn't even know what it cost because there were no prices on any of the food samples.