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    Funny litttle gremlin

    by , 09-20-2012 at 07:27 AM (642 Views)

    Went to sleep about 11.30 doing Nayia's MILD technique and woke up about 4. I know I dreamt something but could not remember a thing. After toilet break and water I went back to sleep doing again the dream visualization and saying to myself 'I'm dreamig'.

    I woke up next about 6 or something (couldn't see the time but outside just about started to be a bit lighter). This is the snippet I remembered.

    I was with my mom (dream signal that sadly I overlooked) and she told me that my granddad died (he's still alive) and he left me a pet, but I can't keep it. We were actually going to the house where the pet was to see it. So we got there and a guy with a little beard gave me the pet. It was a small animal (on two legs I think) looking more like a toy and nothing furry. Its smile was thin and wide like one of those gremlins in the movie. I really liked it, it was in my lap and was making funny things, was very active, really cute. I was so hoping I could take it home as I was thinking that it doesn't even need to be fed. But then I saw a paper, a guide of some kind that talked about feeding it. I think I saw a picture of carrots in there.

    The guy told us that granddad gave him the pet a long time ago but then they had a falling out and he changed his will leaving me the pet instead. Recently things became good again between them, but who would pay the huge amount of 3-4k Euros (or dollars?) just to change the will again as it was too expensive to do it. So that's how I ended up with the pet.

    He was just taking care of it until I came to take it. He was quite sad though. In the end I decided to leave him the pet and I told him he can keep it.

    While writing down this dream snippet in my dream journal next to the bed, I remembered just a very tiny bit of another one, it was more of a flash than a well formed dream. As usual, again, it was about chocolate (safe to say it's a dream sign as well by now).

    A woman told us (I think I was with dad) that she'll make a cake to drink with the coffee. I asked if it is with chocolate, but she said n, it's with fruits. I don't much like fruit cake, but said ok anyway. End of dream-whiff.

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    Updated 09-20-2012 at 07:29 AM by 50152

    Tags: granddad, gremlin, pet
    non-lucid , dream fragment
