Difficult to Process
, 10-17-2024 at 08:30 PM (57 Views)
A tragic dream befell me last night. The focal point seemed to be the death of my mother. I dreamt I was on the phone with her, and she was having trouble breathing. I did not know the reason for this, but it became clear that she was dying. Her death and aftermath lingered throughout the remainder of this dream. I had many conflicting emotions: a mix of profound sadness, bitterness, anger, resentment, and most of all confusion. It was an extremely vivid dream, unfortunately. The feeling of it was potent. I wish I had recorded this dream sooner, as there were many other factors at play that I cannot now recall. At a certain point, I believe I was also having breathing trouble in the dream (perhaps irl too while sleeping), and felt that I too would experience a similar fate to that of my mother's. I am not sure what to make of this dream. All I know is I want to speak to my mother soon and let her know I love her. I know there are a great many things relating to childhood trauma I have yet to address with both my parents. I have been feeling that it might be better to let our relationship stay amicable as it is now, and allow them to grow old believing they did a perfect job raising me. I believe they did their best of course, but I have things I would like to say to them, in an attempt to strengthen our relationship. But it would be hard... very hard to bring these things up. I believe I should probably talk to a therapist before having that conversation. I don't know if I would be able to handle more of these types of dreams...