Knowing Could Compel Me
, 01-06-2017 at 12:21 AM (419 Views)
I’m at somebody’s house, near the kitchen. There are two women, one of whom I recognize. I have an idea who the other might be, but I can’t be sure. The one I know begins to get close to me, and she cranes her neck to kiss me in a friendly way, but I feel that she wants to convey something else. She kisses my cheek, then again, nearer to my mouth. I come close to her, and ask her if she’d like to go out with me. She is ecstatic and responds so enthusiastically, which is satisfying to me. This is special; this girl was my friend in high school, she’s extremely beautiful, we did a play together once and interacted on some kind of emotionally significant level, given the grave and serious nature of the performance. I would have gone out with her in a heartbeat, if only I had the confidence back then. The other girl in the dream seems upset, but I take little notice of this. I’m soon at a restaurant with a friend, and I run into a family for whom I had played piano a couple of weeks ago at a party. We find our table, and I notice a table on the other side of the restaurant where there is another family I know. Only I’m overcome with anxiety when I realize who they are. I imagine that I had asked out the daughter in this family, only this is not actually the case. But in the dream, I am convinced of this. I don’t understand this dream, but I have ideas as to simple meanings behind some of the particular circumstances of it. Overall though, I cannot interpret it.