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    That look of eyes five inches a part

    by , 04-30-2018 at 06:51 AM (753 Views)
    I found myself in a huge convention center, it seemed. And to my surprise, the place sort of circled around a large domain where the space needle was being constructed, though it was black. I met this woman, and everyone presumed she had an attitude about her that made her cold, unapproachable, and seemingly ill-tempered. I chose to ignore these elements and sat down with her at a picnic table, still inside this convention center. This woman's disposition was an absolute amalgamation of several personas of multiple strippers.

    Lablogs/kittysquirrel/attachments/9922-look-eyes-five-inches-part-screen-shot-2018-04-29-4.24.21-am.jpgClick image for larger version. 

Name:	Screen Shot 2018-04-29 at 4.24.21 AM.jpg 
Views:	273 
Size:	18.7 KB 
ID:	9922Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screen Shot 2018-04-29 at 4.24.21 AM.jpg 
Views:	273 
Size:	18.7 KB 
ID:	9922

    I'm so stupidly foggy as to other dream aspects, but I was at one point conversing with my mother about something lifelike.

    Additionally, my friend Matt was at my house, and he felt the need to watch television on our big screen downstairs. He gathered together a jumbled mess of extension cords, and sought the assistance of my father to garner a means to watch his program. When i met him at the foot of the stairs, I asked why he needed to do this, and he responded with "I didn't want you to give me that look of eyes five inches apart!"

    Charles3, naturespirit and Durza like this.

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    1. Charles3's Avatar
      Wow, that is an interesting phrase! My dreams do that too. It is interesting when they stick in my head. One was, "My friends provided me. I'm an alligator in a tall, tall, tall tree."
      KittySquirrel likes this.
    2. KittySquirrel's Avatar
      Charles3 that is incredible
      Charles3 likes this.
    3. Charles3's Avatar
      it is?
      KittySquirrel likes this.
    4. KittySquirrel's Avatar
      it is?

      Yes it is. I find phrases like that.. those phrases that seem inherently meaningless..actually quite beautiful, in that they touch on certain intangible emotions, and could potentially be of some great cosmic meaning.
      Charles3 likes this.
    5. Charles3's Avatar
      Yeah they are pretty profound. Another one I got was when I asked to be teleported to some paradise place. I heard a voice say, "My life is so tiny, tiny, tiny. I would give anything to live in the fuzziest, fuzziest world." I thought it was funny to use the words "tiny" and "fuzziest" which are different kinda adjectives. Did you have any other phrases like that in your dreams?
      KittySquirrel likes this.
    6. KittySquirrel's Avatar
      I love that! Tiny, tiny! and Fuzzy!

      Hmm i remember one time I had a dream in which i left my jacket in a bathroom in the back of a restaurant. I realized i had left it hanging on a stall, went back to grab it, and when I came back to my table where my friends were, I said, "Man, they should call this place Joshua's Jacket Depository!"
      So stupid, but it stuck with me for some reason haha.