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    Notions of the Past

    by , 11-17-2016 at 07:06 AM (476 Views)
    I find myself at a performance of some sort; possibly a graduation. I'm among many of my old peers from Westmont, most of them being members of the orchestra I was a part of for the year I attended the college. I see my old conductor, and I seem to remember having a desire to approach him, but i cannot remember whether or not I did. I enter a rehearsal space, and in the dream, it conveyed itself to me as the place we rehearsed every Tuesday and Thursday. But upon my awakening from the dream, I realize that it was not the chapel in which we regularly rehearsed. In fact, I think it was a place altogether new to me, but somehow similar to my high school band rehearsal room. But this new room presented me with a sickly image of a rainy night outside of my old home, and I think some of my dream took place in this situation, but I cannot remember. This dream occurred the night after my ex-girlfriend decided to text me for the first time since we broke up. She reached out first, having read the letter I had written her about two weeks prior. Many mixed emotions swirled about my brain that evening, and I attempt to find some meaningful connection between the occurrence and my unusual dream. Of course, I had previously had dreams about Westmont. And it makes sense. I spent a year there, made friends and memories, and then left. And my thoughts often drift to questions of whether or not I should have stayed there, or if I even should've attended it in the first place. Perhaps if I had continued my education there, I may never have met my summer lover, and would be free from my love-lorn afflictions and anguish. Maybe i would've found someone else; someone who made me truly happy, and who deeply loved me. But I do not like dreaming about such things, as they are notions of the past, and are unchangeable and unattainable. I long for happier dreams. Dreams of freedom, success, bliss

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    Updated 10-18-2017 at 06:33 PM by 48007

    non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
