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    Unbelievably Out of Character

    by , 05-16-2016 at 08:35 AM (484 Views)
    Like most of the dreams I've been having lately, I can only seem to remember one particular instance of this dream. I was sitting on the couch in my house with my sister. She had come up to visit me the day before in real life, so upon reflection of the dream, it made sense to me that she would be part of it. In the dream, we were watching a movie; I can't remember which one. Eventually, my housemate, David, whose room is near the main living room in which we were watching the movie, came out of his room with his girlfriend. She started yelling at me and my sister to be quiet and shut the movie off. Now, one thing you must understand about David's girlfriend is that she NEVER gets angry, and certainly would never shout at anyone. She is naturally very well-tempered and mild-mannered. So, you can imagine that this came as quite a shock to me. My sister and I just sat there stunned while she shouted at us. It was so strangely out of character for her to do this; it just would never happen in real life. She herself would admit she has never yelled at anyone before. Well, for the rest of the dream, and I think for a while after I awoke from it, I had this feeling that she was actually furious with me, and that something was wrong. But the next day went on, and of course I eventually realized how hilarious and absurd the dream was. I told her about it and we had a good laugh. Anyway, I'm going to try my darnedest to have a vivid and memorable dream tonight. I've got a full container of apple juice, and I'll set my alarm for 4 AM! Wish me luck!
    KristaNicole07 likes this.

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