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    Unusual Flirtation Tactics

    by , 12-13-2016 at 06:13 PM (478 Views)
    I’m outside on a cold winter’s day with a couple of friends. We’re on a street corner with heavy traffic. I see a cute woman with bad teeth who is dressed like a hooker. I decide to trip her and then catch her as a form of flirtation. Whatever I said after that worked, because she agreed to go out to eat with me and my friends. We leave the restaurant and my date says goodbye. We enter into a car and drive toward home. My friend drives us to my other friend’s house, where I get out of the car and travel inside. There, I am telling my friend Syd about women being just as sexually charged as men, but that men are simply more explicit about it. We travel to her bedroom, and she tells me that she once snorted cocaine.

    The next sequence is rather odd. I am outside in my old backyard, and it is soon nighttime. I choose a spot on the grass to lie down. There are a couple of speakers lying there on the grass, and I listen to music as a fall asleep. I wake up, and gather up all my clothes and travel somewhere else. I find myself playing a keyboard outside in the street by a house at night. There is a hat of some kind on my head, and eventually I put a traffic cone or megaphone or something on my head. I probably look ridiculous. Old friends pass me by. I think my dad comes out to walk the dog. I’m then inside a bathroom playing a keyboard on the sink. This bathroom is connected to my friend’s bedroom, and I’m unaware of this at first, but she soon comes in, and I know I need to leave.

    I’m in my friend’s car again, this time with my sister. She opts to have him drop us off at 7/11 to study. We soon find ourselves at my old high school. She gets in a car with other friends and leaves. I’m walking around in a careless manner, as I run into my mother as well as an old friend. I warmly greet her and tell her that I love her hair. That’s all I can really remember.

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