EPIC birthday dream (its not my birthday)
, 02-15-2015 at 05:19 PM (483 Views)
the following dream was non-lucid. However, it was very long and incredibly vivid. Lots of missed lucidity cues.
It's my birthday. I am outdoors laying in some grass, looking up into a nice blue sky. My oldest daughter is running around the yard "chasing blue jays." Someone arrives for the party. I go inside and it is a woman, a friend of my wife's. She arrived in a purple 1980s Volvo station wagon without a hood. They talk for awhile then two guys arrive and set up stereo equipment and amplifiers. The both have bass guitars and are going to play bass solos for the party. I'm not really excited about this. The guy on the left is plugged into a stereo. He complains that "his wifi won't work." And hands his phone to someone else.
A few more people arrive then we go to another location. On the way we have to stop and get some guy from Gar Drolma. We continue on at a Chinese/Indian restaurant where I am assuming the party is over. I look out a window and see a big silver Range Rover pull up. Ani Palmo ( western Buddhist nun/teacher) gets out. I am concerned because the party is really over and she arrived at the last minute. She comes in, her hair is now shoulder length, platinum blonde, she is wearing makeup. Weird I think. We hug and she doesn't want to let go, but it's just friendly so we end up re-hugging like 10 times. "Oh, we are going to do this i see." She says. Next she shows me a book that is a compendium of Bodhicharyaavatara materials, root text and several translated commentaries in a single volume. I look at it and can tell it's from Nanandabodhi. I tell her they have several of these huge sourcebooks, "one for Madhyamika, for example." Then I get in the food line. I get my arms all tangled?? With the arms of the woman behind me in line. She won't move back to let me get some of this dish I just passed up. "Ok, whatever." I say. Further down the line there is a dish that looks like rice with beef gravy on top. Gross. Next there is tis weird little Chinese man reaching into pots of hot noodle soup and pulling out bits of meat with his fingers. The heat lamp shines weirdly on his face. He reminds me of gollum and I think his behavior is gross.
Dream shifts and we arrive at Gar Drolma for a teaching. I am outside and jump up on the wall, back, hands, and palms to the walk like a spider. I think it's weird and impossible, but the way the wall feels under my hands reassures me it's ok. I just never realized I could jump/climb like this. I climb down the wall and climb into a restroom window. I pee and exit via the door. Abi Palmo is sitting at a cafeteria style table. I say "Hey! You gave me a lucid dream last night!! I saw you in a dream and your hair was long and you had makeup on!"reference to earlier stages if THIS dream!) she looks at me quizzically and says nothing.