False Awakening
I went to bed at 11:00, and woke at 4:00. I took 8mg galantamine, 500mg choline bitartrate, 600mg Alpha GPC, and .5 mg melatonin. I tried the WILD instructions from "Advanced Lucid Dreaming, The Power of Supplements", but after awhile gave it up and set my intention to recognize the dream state and let myself fall asleep. honestly when I read that it seems ridiculous to take all those pills. I got lucd, but I have had lucids without supplements that were of higher quality. I also noticed a great intensification and increase in the vividness of my NLDs after taking the supplements. The melatonin made it very easy to fall asleep. I will experiment further, but am not terribly impressed. Total time lucid was about 1.5 minutes. Dream seemed sort of "washed out." I had an average level (for me) of lucidity, could not remember goals, could not remember to locate my sleeping body, etc. dream follows: I wake up and it's completely dark. I suspect I may be dreaming so I do a nose pinch state test. I am dreaming. I test again because it feels so cool. I can't see, and can barely move. I rub my hands together, pat down my arms and chest. I say "more clarity! More ️lucid awareness!" Several times, I feel increasingly alert, but it's still dark. I feel "in" the dream so with great effort I get out of bed, there is a strange and distinct "peeling" sensation as I stand up, like I am a Sticker being removed from its backing. I stretch out my hands and feel my way around the room. I bump into a wall with a distinct noise and sensation. It's still dark. I wake up again, in the same room but now it's daylight. It a generic bed and breakfast room. I get out of bed and walk over to look at a brocade-ish tapestry hanging on the wall. "This is what I bumped into last night" I think. I walk out of the room into a sort of dimly lit lobby area. It looks like a foyer in someone's home. There is a pair of French doors to my left. I realize again I am dreaming and walk over and push both my hands through the glass pane, past my elbows. They move through as though the glass were water. I push through further moving my head and shoulders through the glass to mid chest. Then I rotate my body so my chest faces the ceiling and my back is facing the floor. I think I am going to grave the pane above me and pull my legs through the glass. I see a short old man in the lobby. He has in a hat and leather jacket and looks like a mildly elderly Italian gangster. I immediately have a strong desire to karate chop him?? I instantly dis-entangle from the door contortion and cross the room to him, preparing to chop. He looks at me somewhat blankly. I realize what I am doing and stop. I look at him and say loudly " I love you man! I love you!!" His face lights up and he looks so happy, he starts laughing and I wake up I woke up and wrote it down, it was 6:05. i went back to sleep for a jumble of very very vivid fragments.
Updated 02-14-2015 at 09:24 PM by 67045
Tuesday night: 1 fragment= .5 Wednesday night: 1 dream = 1 pt. 1 fragment = .5 successful WBTB = 3 pts. Lucid= 5 pts. successful RC = 1 Successful stabilize= 2pts. hand through a solid object = 4 pts move completely through solid object= 8 pts. Total for tuesday and wednesday = 25 pts Lucid on Wednesday: I went to bed at 9 p.m. I woke up at 2 a.m. and fell back asleep at 4:30 a.m. I am at a "school" which is in appearance my grandfather's house. It is fulll of people. Looking out a window,I see some threatening people approaching. I sneak out the back door and lie down in the gravel driveway, playing dead. My brother appears and tells me that we need to help the people in the school. We enter a house that is alongside the driveway, looking for something to use to defend the people in the other building. I climb a flight of stairs (the interior of this house appears like a barn). There are throwing darts (from the game) stuck in the steps. I pick them out as I climb the steps. At the top of the steps I see someone who looks as I did when I was about 12, doing something on a strange looking computer. There is something weird about the perspective. Thinking about this, I realize I am dreaming. Lucid, I state "I am dreaming" i Look at my hand to RC, it is very distorted. I have one thick central finger with little crumpled fingers growing out from each side. I rub my hands together to stabilize the dream. It feels like I am rubbing my hand on sandpaper. I feel "heat" from the "friction". I look around and the scene has changed. I am in a bedroom. One wall has blue wallpaper with white dots on it. The other walls are painted light yellow. There is a window. I remember my goal to push my hand through a solid object. I push both hands through the glass in the window pane. They pass cleanly through. I decide to crawl through the window. I bend down and push my head, shoulders, and torso through the pane of glass. When my head enters everything turns grey and indistinct. After passing through the window I am in bed. It is the guest room at my grandmother's house. I think I have woken up. I do a quick RC, looking at both hands. They are tiny, like a dolls hands on the end of my normal arms. I am still dreaming. I try to get up from the bed, but the covers are really heavy and moving is difficult. I wake up in my own bed.