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    Goals for January 2015

    by , 01-05-2015 at 05:04 PM (644 Views)
    Recall Goal: 45 dreams (this is an 11% improvement over previous month).
    LD Goal: 5 between 1/2 and 2/2.
    Activity goal: complete task of the month for January.

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    1. KonchogTashi's Avatar
      LD # 22

      1/4/15 in final REM cycle after about 6 hours sleep:
      I am in bed with wife and littlest one. Little one is crawling about disrupting things. I'm fading in and out of sleep. I catch a glimpse of a figure who out of the corner of my eye appears to be someone dressed as George Washington quickly exiting my bedroom and heading down the stairs. "Who was that??" I say to my wife. She mumbles something unintelligible. I start to fade out but then decide that this is something that I should attend to. I get out of bed and head downstairs. A light is on in the kitchen and I can hear the sink running. I get ready for action and quickly turn the corner into the room. I see a woman in a brown sweater standing at the sink with her back to me. I think for a moment it's my wife...mope she is in bed, then i think "mom"... Nope. I put my hand on her back and she turns around, a stranger. I step back and know I am dreaming. I say to her "I am dreaming! This is a dream! I am dreaming!" She just silently looks at me. I start to rub my hands together and the realization becomes stronger, my awareness gradual increases . I pat down my chest and thighs and say " more clarity!" "More lucid awareness!" The room seems to sharpen slowly and I feel more present in the dream. I continue rubbing my hands together saying "more clarity!" The effect is gradual but definite. I look around, forgetting the lady. My cabinets are different, taller and brown. This distracts me and I go out of the kitchen, sort of flying/running toward my meditation room. " I will attain enlightenment for the benefit of all beings!" I shout two times. My house is dark. I enter my meditation room, it's very dark. In sort of hovering/flying., doing two flips. I say the mani mantra a few times. My shrine is a single long shelf as opposed to the three tiers it actually is. It's dark but I can make out some objects, maybe statues or stupas, but they are indistinct. I wake up.

      WBTB 20 minutes up/MILD