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    LD #37 Party Time!

    by , 05-05-2015 at 01:32 PM (987 Views)
    At a Bar/Halloween Monster Attack!
    I am at a bar with my father and wife. I get in line for drinks, and comment how amazing long the line is. My wife goes off to mingle, and repeatedly brings me drinks, despite the fact that I am waiting in line for drinks. I warn her that I will be drunk if she brings me many more, and jokingly act intoxicated. This makes the woman in front of me laugh and we start talking, she is a very attractive brunette with shoulder length hair and green eyes, mid 30's by appearance. She asks me "What do you do?" I explain my job to her and ask her what she does. She tells me about some outdoor adventure camp she works at. My wife comes back and we all leave the bar, but now my father has become a generic dude and the woman just kind of vanishes. We step outside into the parking lot, it is nighttime and there are various people in what appear to be halloween costumes walking around. I see our truck, it is a white silverado, and we start to walk towards it, the generic dude with us gets in first. I look off to the right and see a guy jokingly lay down on what appears to be a prop grave. He says "hey, look at this!" and laughs to his friends. Zombie like hands pop out of the piled dirt and start to drag him down, he screams and I realize all of the monsters wandering around are real! I open the door to the truck and in the driver seat is an ugly woman, she has eaten the generic dude and all that remains is a purple bag of goo. I yell at her and push her out of the truck and slide over into the driver's seat. I lean out of the door and yell to my wife "get the fuck into the car....now!!! we have to get out of here!!"

    LD #37 Party Time!

    I am at a party, and walking into the kitchen I pass a man leaning against the doorway, I pass him and turn around, and instantly know I am dreaming. I say aloud "I am dreaming, this is a dream!" I walk out into the other room and see a young man standing in the middle of the room, I narrate "I am going to slap his face." My narration comes out a beautiful, perfect pitch falsetto singing. I approach the man and slap his face 3 times, he just stares at me blankly. I look around the room and marvel at the perfect, crisp detail. I look at some beautifully carved chairs, there is a full set of 4 around a dark wood table. I think how amazing and realistic they look. I remember "this is a perfect rendition of my aunt's living room" (this is a false memory, although there is some resemblance) I turn around and continue to sing "I am going to walk through this wall and appear in another place!" I confidently push through the wall on my right and cleanly pass right through. I appear in a galley kitchen. The floor is white tile and the ceiling is low and there are fluorescent lights in the middle of the ceiling. The walls are light blue with white trim near the floor. I walk through this room and into another living room type area. I decide I am going to take a psychedelic substance (Harvard dream researcher Alan Hobson mentions this in his book and I thought it interesting) I find a candy dish and intend it to be psychedelic candy. I pick up a piece, knocking several on the floor in the process. The candy is white and red peppermint. I unwrap it and it turns blue in my hands. I put it in my mouth and swallow it, no taste. I walk around singing "the visuals will start soon, I have taken psychedelic candy", again in a beautiful, perfect voice. I walk out into another room and marvel at the perfectly detailed rock wall, thinking again "this is so vivid and realistic!!" I look and see a group of guys sitting and playing cards at a round white table. I decide that I will roundhouse kick the man nearest me. He is wearing all black, with a black "mugger hat", and impossibly dark stubble on this face. As I get ready to kick him he stands up and walks away. I notice the environment has faded and is "shaky" I start to rub my hands together, but the dream fades and I wake up.

    This was my longest and most vivid LD yet, surprising in light of my recent slump.
    Meiseki likes this.

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    1. FryingMan's Avatar
      Excellent, congrats! Here's to dry spells ending! I've had two (one very wobbly/unstable) short LDs in the last two days so I'm hoping for a good run now, wishing the same for you! Great dream, good job some nice control there -- way to smack the DC's around some!

      p.s. lol @ "get the f*** into the car!". I abhor profanity in the waking state but I swear like a sailor when upset in dreams, I find it pretty funny in dreams for some reason.
      Updated 05-05-2015 at 02:10 PM by FryingMan
    2. KonchogTashi's Avatar
    3. KonchogTashi's Avatar
      Excellent, congrats! Here's to dry spells ending! I've had two (one very wobbly/unstable) short LDs in the last two days so I'm hoping for a good run now, wishing the same for you! Great dream, good job some nice control there -- way to smack the DC's around some!

      p.s. lol @ "get the f*** into the car!". I abhor profanity in the waking state but I swear like a sailor when upset in dreams, I find it pretty funny in dreams for some reason.


      thanks, man! It was great to get back in the saddle! Had a rough go of it lately. Thanks for the support!