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    Krista's Dream Journal

    Brief Lucidity with Nicholas Cage, Dangerous Bakery Maze, and The Angry Jamaican

    by , 09-19-2014 at 02:56 PM (773 Views)
    Dream - Lucid

    I was in some video game when I became lucid. The lucidity lasted for a bit, but all I can remember from it was asking a Nicholas Cage,
    "Tell me who you really are!"
    He looked at me with a straight face, and responded with something like
    "You don't want to know."
    We talked some more, but I started to feel like I was talking out loud in my sleep.

    I then woke up in another dream, laying on a pull-out couch. I asked whoever else was there, I think it was my brother, if I had been talking in my sleep. He said he didn't hear anything.


    I was at work in the bakery, but, as usual, it looked nothing like the bakery does IWL. We were by a checkout counter. Someone asked me if I would mix the dough. I told them no, I wouldn't, it was too scary. The reason I said that it was scary was because when someone went to mix the dough, they had to go to a different part of the store. They had to travel through dark, creepy, cave/maze-like areas with enemies that would shoot you. You had to be armed and shoot them before they killed you. It was kind of like Doom/Goldeneye 64. The area where you mixed was also threatened by enemies. I told them that last time I did it, I was sitting down, trying not to fall asleep with my shotgun because enemies kept coming. I "remembered" this happening. I didn't want to go through that again. I preferred the safety of the bakery. There was a guy there who had been doing it every day. He held his own pretty well and was much more of an expert on it than me.

    My manager then tried to toss me some frozen dough to take to the mixer. I don't remember what I did or said.

    I then was really close to an enemy, an archer who slightly resembled King Graham from the Kings Quest games. His back was turned to me. I was trying to sneak up on him and throw him in the lava. I was being quiet, until I made a small noise. He heard it and turned around. We fought a little, but I don't remember much about it.

    I then was going through the dark area for some reason. I had the guy in front of me who went all the time. I was shooting at enemies with a laser. I then started to get shot at, and my laser stopped working, so I turned around and ran the other way to get out of the enemy's sight. I looked down at my laser, and it was a Wiimote. When I'd fire it with the A button, the light on the Wiimote would turn red, signaling to me that I was too far away from a Wii for it to work. As I was turning a corner, a bullet grazed me, and it really hurt! That too was part of the reason I didn't like doing the dough; it hurt when you got hit, though if you died, you'd respawn.

    I then saw this open part of the maze to the dough. It was very dark there. There were people there with different colored lights all down the middle of the room to direct us where to go. They also had to defend themselves from the enemies. I saw a top view of this room, and then I was at the beginning of the room. I didn't go to far into the room. I also saw, at some point, a view of a room from some stairs.

    I then was at the checkout again. Someone came and asked if they had different dough runners, and they said yes. I then saw a shelf with bowls of dough on it for each day of the week, each with a different name on it. I really hoped my name wasn't up there. I looked, and didn't see it. I was, for some reason, a little disappointed, even though I didn't really want to do it.


    I was at what was supposed to be my house, but it looked nothing like it. I kept thinking about the weed I had from a while ago that was in the top drawer of this white three drawer organizer I have. I kept thinking about when I was going to smoke it. I was then in my room, which looked like the room of my first apartment. I opened the drawer, and the bag was in there with some weed in it. I "remembered" when I bought it. I had recently smoked, maybe a few weeks prior, so my sobriety was already blown. I didn't want to smoke it inside though because it would smell like weed, and my roommates might not appreciate it. I then thought about how this woman who was living there, an older woman, liked weed, and wondered if I should ask her to smoke with me. She was there currently, the only other one home but me. I didn't ask her.

    I then briefly woke up, still half in the dream world, thinking that I didn't really have any leftover weed. As I eased back into the dream world, I thought that of course I did. I went and checked again, and there it was.

    Then, there was this tall, young black man in our kitchen. He had a Jamaican accent. He was yelling at us about something that we did wrong. It had something to do with work. He was mostly getting mad at two of my roommates who weren't there currently. He was yelling more and more, when finally, I had had enough and chimed in.
    "Shut up! Shut the fuck up!"
    I continued to yell at him, saying other things, throwing around a lot of profanities. He kept yelling also. There was one point where I was standing on a chair in front of him. I grabbed his face in my hands, which somehow corresponded to a TV screen, like this was being recorded or something, and told him that the roommates (who were an FFX character, Lulu, and someone I knew it college) were my friends, and he needed to leave them alone. The chair almost fell backwards at one point. I figured I'd probably get in trouble for this, but I didn't care; this guy was insulting people I loved. I also kept thinking that now since I was so mad I was definitely gonna smoke that weed that day.

    The guy turned around and left, and I was now in the kitchen with Adam, the guy from college who was apparently my roommate, and one of the people the Jamaican man was yelling about. He was doing something by the stove. He was wearing a glittery brown plaid hat. I told him what happened. I then told him I loved his hat.
    "It's so..." I started to say, when he interrupted and said
    "Gay?" (IWL he is gay)
    "You just wear it well!" I said.
    "Thank you," he said.


    It's interesting how after not smoking for almost two years I am still having these dreams about smoking. I guess it was such a huge influence in my life for so long, and well, it's an addiction that I've been battling for 5 years now. I guess the dreams just come with the territory.
    CanisLucidus and JadeGreen like this.

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    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Congratulations on the lucid, Krista! Any time Nicholas Cage gets mentioned, the only thing I can think about now is the rather hilarious "Not the Bees!!" scene from Wicker Man

      I then was really close to an enemy, an archer who slightly resembled King Graham from the Kings Quest games.
      Nice!! I always think of him as "Sir Graham" from playing a lot of King's Quest I and II as a kid.

      who were an FFX character, Lulu, and someone I knew it college
      Your dreams reference some good games!
      KristaNicole07 likes this.
    2. JadeGreen's Avatar
      The part about having to go into the back of the bakery sounds like something I would dream about.

      It's interesting how after not smoking for almost two years I am still having these dreams about smoking. I guess it was such a huge influence in my life for so long, and well, it's an addiction that I've been battling for 5 years now. I guess the dreams just come with the territory.
      I have this too. When I was little (well, little-er, anyway) I used to LOVE this video game called Pikmin. I played it non-stop for days on end. About six years ago, I gave up the game. But I STILL dream about it every once in awhile. I usually don't remember the dreams though because I get them confused with memories of playing the game. I've uncovered a few of them by going back and playing the game.

      It's very strange. I play the game now and ask myself. "Hey where is that ice spikes world I remember playing?!" And then realize that was actually a dream, and that I never actually played that. It's funny how dreams create the DLC that you wish was real.

      I've also had dreams about Minecraft, Skyrim, Halo, and even Spore.

      With how much you mention things being like video games in your dreams, I would imagine you are quite an avid gamer.
      KristaNicole07 likes this.
    3. PercyLucid's Avatar
      Nice read for before going to bed!!
      KristaNicole07 likes this.
    4. KristaNicole07's Avatar
      With how much you mention things being like video games in your dreams, I would imagine you are quite an avid gamer.
      Your dreams reference some good games!
      Yes, I game a lot, mostly League of Legends right now. So many game references last night though...I love it.

      I'll get caught up on your DJ too, Jade, I promise! I've been working a lot and also very distracted by LoL. Also, our dreams are very similar. You know what they say...great minds think alike.
      CanisLucidus likes this.