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    by , 08-15-2012 at 07:20 PM (683 Views)
    1. Locked up at my uncles house and I knew I had to get out. I escaped and managed to run. I found my puppy and carried her away with me. I ran into a massive model city and hid inside of a flavoured horse race. After some time, I saw my uncle coming, grabbed my puppy, and took off into the woods.

    2. I arrived by foot at my brother's apartment in West Virginia. I walked through Sondra Lane, so perfectly named after his girlfriend, and towards the massive steps. My puppy tried to climb up them but she almost fell, thankfully I caught her and placed her safely above. My brother was sleeping on the couch so I woke him up, and he was installing a new and highly anticipated game.

    3. I was walking through a nearby city and everyone was driving nice cars. Several kids created a line of Lamborghinis. I remained walking and everyone was mocking me. I disregarded them and turned to get on the side street. A hot girl I recently met texted me and told me has a dirty question. She began to rant about nothing and forgot to ask.

    4. I was running down the shore-line to the ocean. On the way, I jumped into a cannon overlooking the crowded beach. I hopped into it and it shot me towards hawai'i. I barely missed the beach-goers and landed on the surface of the ocean, I began to skid over-top of the water and I made it halfway there. I swam back but decided to dive and admire the trenches.

    5. I was watching a Johnny Cash concert at a jail house. Everyone was so excited that fights began to break out like wildfire. Several people were shanked with toothbrushes. Every person had a gun and was firing into the air. Johnny walked past a hot girl that used to be a judge. In reality she was unbelievably ugly and he was mega drunk.

    6. Waiting around for a massive tour of a foundry with my friend. When the tour began, I was sliding down the railing using both my hands. He picked me up and began running through the massive building. It turned into an obstacle course and he ran with me on his back. Eventually, it turned into an outdoor course, where he dropped me off, and a hot girl continued the tour.

    7. Walking down the street with my friend. He was getting ultra drunk and it was snowing like mad. There were SWAT all over the city. He ran at a railing in an attempt to grind on it, bare-footed. The SWAT saw his move and aimed their guns at him, but upon realizing it was just a teenage, they disregarded it.

    8. I was involved in a trial of initiation with hundreds of other people. We were part of a society that revolves around being a modern ninja. I had a hot girl as my trial companion and we decimated the time trials, where we traversed rooftops covered in water. We ran into the next area and met The Wise, a young hacker. He promised us glory if we would kill the guards trying to find him.

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    Updated 08-17-2012 at 03:16 PM by 29488

