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    LD/AP during solstice aligment

    by , 12-21-2012 at 05:28 PM (592 Views)
    I had an awesome astral dream last night! I was in a very high dimension with another person I know (guy I like) and we were communicating with each other with light! It was so beautiful!!! I saw his 3rd eye chackra glowing and felt the light enter through mine and light up all my chackras, there was electricity everywhere and I sent light to him and could see him receive it and process it in colors. It was so beautiful and so easy.

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    Updated 12-21-2012 at 05:32 PM by 13194

    lucid , memorable


    1. Lamneth-25's Avatar
      I also recall it being a beautiful dark and stormy environment. I think he was also trying to show me something about using my light.