False Awakening
I'm looking at a post on the internet, a beautiful garden of someone. After admiring it long enough, I try to scroll past. I can not. I try to look away at the screen. I CAN NOT. "Dreaming" says my logical processor. I've been here many times before, it can no longer fool me. Something like this only happens in dreams. I curse my bad luck, having a lucid dream during my midday nap when there's too much light in the room. Time for experiments. Moving feels like forcing myself, so I fix that by reminding myself that's an illusion. Moving in dreams is effortless, my situation just makes me believe I'm paralyzed. I roll out of the bed. For a moment I see something different in my left eye, but the vision snaps back to the ceiling of my room, which I misunderstood as a garden previously. I try to abandon visual input and focus on feeling. I vividly feel myself rolling off the bed and I continue rolling. I keep on rolling and still I can't escape the ceiling in my vision, the real stimulus is just too powerful to ignore. I try harder to push myself out of that experience, like sinking into a daydream while awake. I "wake up" the garden post is scrollable now and while I read people's comments on it, I'm also exploring the garden in person, being in two places at once. Shortly after I actually wake up. (I sleep with eyes open, so this happens sometimes.)
I decided before sleeping that one of my goals is to learn to control fear. I've struggled with it in lucid dreams. Ask and you will receive... Intruders I falsely awaken to hear two guys moving in the apartment. They are moving towards my room. I feel fear. I want to get up and defend myself, but my body is paralyzed. I see the rest of the dream in 3rd person as I fight the paralysis, but simply cannot move. I struggle to the point of waking up. Control Your Fear I'm a researcher and studying how small animals deal with all kinds of stressful situations. I handle many dead rodents. We basically torture them. I don't feel like I belong there, I don't agree with any of it. Scene changes a bit, now we are studying the same thing with human prisoners. One of them has secretly been eating burnt wood, chewing it into a strange paste that he has made into some kind of armor. He seems to also be immune to electricity. Our weapons don't shock him when he eventually escapes. Scene changes. I'm in my parents' place, but the house has many more corridors and rooms. One room in the center is different. It's built for food storage I guess, but it's relatively empty. Monsters start appearing from that room. These demons are large, pale, winged humanoids. Their arms and legs are extremely long and skinny. Their fingers are sharp and long claws. They have no eyes. I spend a week fighting them. I lock the storage room's door the first time I see one inside, but these demons haunt me no matter what. When I close my eyes, they are waiting. I assumed they come from my dreams, but eventually they start appearing when I'm awake. One day I kill one of the monsters and leave it in the storage room. Moments later I open the door and right at the door, towering over me is another one. I stare at it and tell myself it's not real. I swipe at it with my hand, imagining it to be like a mirage that would vanish. It takes effort, but I manage to make that one disappear with willpower. I'm sleeping in my parents' bedroom to keep them safe. They can't see the monsters. It's night and my dad wakes up. He asks me about these monsters. I tell him that I've been fighting them for a week and how they appear. One of them appears over the bed and floats slowly towards me. I wait. The demon hovers right in front of me and nothing else happens. I fear this is a bad choice, but I decide to let it be. I touch the demon's face with my hand. Dream ends.
4.8 Yeah I had this a while back. I was stuck in an apartment with mind controlled people. The source of that was in the fridge, where I found a massive black snake with the ability to control minds. There was also a lady in the fridge. The dream was bizarre and eventually changed into something different. Everything was blurry. I looked at my hand and started to become lucid, but the dream was dark and slipping away. I find myself in my room, lying in bed. I still remember that I'm dreaming, so I look at my hand. I can't move my body, but somehow managed to see my hand by just willing it to happen. I tell myself that my physical form doesn't have to move out of the bed, I can leave it behind. I roll out of the bed in my ghost form. This makes the dream crystal clear and detailed. I want to go outside and phase through the wall and window with some trouble. I stumble into the grass. It's night and the city I see in front of me is not like waking life at all. I walk across a parking lot and do some reality checks, because everything feels so real my mind still fights the fact that it's a dream. I plug my nose and breathe through. Then I look at my hand and bend the fingers in the wrong direction. Yep, pretty sure it's a dream. I remember my goal and shout "Give me the power I desire!". I started thinking if I needed to know what I desire and decided it was flying. With my arms wide and looking at the night sky, I waited to feel something. Nothing felt different, couldn't fly yet. DCs passed by me, looking at me like I was a weirdo. I kept following the road and met some friends who I decided to follow. I looked at the stars again and imagined power flowing to me from all the different worlds. Nothing happened. The night sky was filled with way more stars than you see irl. I entered a restaurant with my friends and met a big group of friends from school. They were all eating. I tasted some dish with tomatoes and potatoes. Wasn't too bad, but nothing amazing. I kept trying to fly and finally a DC wanted to help. One of my oldest friends, Niko was going to help me. He told me to lie down. I cleared the top of a piano that was in the corner and lied down on it. Niko went out of the restaurant to get something and I started to lose the dream. Couldn't stop it.
Freezing Lightning I'm in a pine forest, or it looks like I am, but an elevator comes down from somewhere. There's people hanging around in the forest and most people have superpowers. I know the woman coming down in the elevator, her husband is upstairs in a hospital bed. It looks like he can't be saved. She is crying and losing her mind. I realize this and try to reach her with my words, but she's gone. She lashes out with her power, which is one of the scariest ones I've ever seen. Imagine the world around you being very clear ice, her power was to create cracks in that ice. It looked like she shot light blue lightning out of her hand, it had the same thunderous sound too. When it hit a person, that person was suddenly ice that shattered where the lightning went through. She slaughtered my friends around me and eventually killed me. I saw myself dying in 3rd person, head split into two pieces of ice. I turned back time at least twice, trying to stop her. She didn't listen when I told her we could still save his husband. After some resetting, the dream focused on two other characters in the forest. A red haired woman with a pistol and the ability to make bullets explode. She was crying and trying to kill a man. Another man stepped in to protect him. He created a wall of ice, or something that looked like ice. It didn't shatter when the bullet hit it. Anything that entered his ice slowed down, like the ice manipulated time. The woman kept firing and moving forward. The man he was shooting kept walking backwards and the third man kept creating more ice between them. The woman absentmindedly walked too close to her bullets and one exploded next to her head. Most of her head was gone. She fell down dead. Hi Grandpa I was with grandma and grandpa in a place I don't recognize. We were outside next to a road, looked rural. Silent and sunny day. Grandma talked to other elderly about how grandpa was paralyzed and nearing his end, but could still move his eyes. Grandpa was floating in air. The eye thing was news to me and I started asking him questions he could answer with eye movements. I started to float away with him as we chatted. We didn't lose or gain altitude, just floated a metre off the ground. I started hearing him talking, telling a story from his childhood. And then the dream ended. I lost my grandpa a few years ago. I guess seeing him in a dream no longer makes me lucid. Fragment: Back in school. I'm together with Satu? Took a nap from 12 to 14:23 with several awakenings. -I'm in the store I visit often. There's a bed near the entrance. A girl is on it, waiting for action. Suddenly I'm on the bed, getting busy with my hand while people walk by. I realize this and try to hide it. (Woke up) -Back in the store, this time I become lucid, but it's a really low level one. I walk deeper into the store and lights dim until it becomes dark. I'm not scared, I tell myself I can see even in complete darkness. I do see outlines of people, shelves etc. I still lose the dream. -I wake up (False!) in my apartment. I get up and my room appears to be part of my parents' place. My brother has a new shabby room outside, next to the cold room. (No heating reaches that room, nothing else.)There's a lot of snow outside and I'm only wearing sandals. A thin stream of snow rolls of the roof. I grab some with my hand while discussing turning a window into a mirror and back with movable silver panel with my brother. (Woke up) -Woke up again (Or did I?), same deal, my apartment fused with parents' place. Something is happening and I try to get up fast. I'm paralyzed and can't get up. After a short struggle I can move and get up. So many missed opportunities to become lucid.
Night 14 I had 4 NDs, nothing interesting. I took a nap from 17:00 to 17:32. I had been listening to music, relaxing and visualizing for a while before that. I turned music off and it was lights out nearly instantly. FA wiped a lot of details from my LD. ...I'm in a car. "I almost lost the dream. Well it's been surprisingly stable so far. I should try to actually do something cool..." I think. I hold my hand out of the car window and try to do magic. Bright blue and yellow waves and sparks shoot out of my hand. It's not the colors I wanted, but I think I can make something with it. A DC stand outside the car and walks over to me. Dream ends. I "wake up" (FA) in my old room. It's middle of the day. Mom is back from morning shift. My brother is there too and comes to my door. "Oh, he's sleeping." I get up faster "No I'm not, what's up?" He comes to my room with a plastic bag. There's some running clothes in it. "Mom wants you to try them on to see if they fit either of us." I had false memories of already trying them on in a hair saloon looking place. "I've tried them on, they fit." I say and my brother goes to the kitchen. I put my earphones on the table and follow. My sister's second oldest is visiting. In the kitchen I remember the lucid dream again. "I should write the lucid dream I had down before I forget details." and I wake up. You can bet your butt that I RCed after that. I was so mad. That FA cost me most of my lucid dream.