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    Letaali's Dream Journal

    LD 108 - Donuts and LD 109 Bifrost teleporter

    by , 09-16-2018 at 06:41 PM (396 Views)

    LD 108 - Donuts
    I was at a hotel. There was an old guild mate playing on a laptop in lobby. I talked to him about someone messaging me in-game, trying to get into the guild. I went outside the hotel. Gloomy weather, gray sky and not too warm. Some of my friends were grilling some food near the hotel. I joined them for a bit, before returning to the hotel.

    I found myself in the wrong hotel room. The lights were off and the room was actually like 10 rooms. It was a massive place. Scene changed abruptly again.

    I'm suddenly in my parents' place. I'm in the living room and a donut suddenly appears next to me. I grab it. Then I notice that the kitchen is full of people. My family is there along with several DCs I don't recognize. A man creates a doorway in the kitchen and I'm supposed to chase him. I can't move from where I am. All the DCs cheer me on. I try to teleport. Just willing it to happen does nothing. I throw the donut and try to teleport to it. It fails too. I close my eyes and visualize the frozen planet.

    I "wake up" exactly where I was. Now there's only my family in the kitchen and no random DCs. I start talking about the previous dream. Dad asks questions about it and I explain things like dream control and stuff.


    LD 109 - Sword fight with Bifrost teleporter (All the excitement happens non-lucid.)
    I'm not myself, but an asian man with a superpower. It's a blood-related power, allowing me to turn myself into a blood-like liquid and engulf people to absorb them. My power is gentle, I do not harm anyone I absorb and can release them later.

    The dream starts on the backyard of my parents' place. I sense danger and prepare for a fight. I'm a master swordsman so of course I have a katana. A blinding beam of light comes down from the sky with a booming sound. I recognize this to be the Bifrost. My foe appears from the light, a massive man similar to the last villain from Bleach: Yhwach. Our fight begins and he tries to overpower me with his sword. I'm stronger than him and easily parry each attack. He has the Bifrost and dances between new beams of light that he opens and closes effortlessly to teleport around me as he keeps attacking. Each time he teleports, I hear a boom as a new beam of burning rainbow light appears closeby. This sound gives me time to react and the fight goes on. When I'm about to be hit, I turn into my blood form to dodge. Since we both have powerful abilities to dodge damage, the fight doesn't end.

    Scene changes. I'm in a gloomy post-apocalyptic world filled with zombies. I'm still the asian man with the absorbing power. False memories tell me that there are others with similar power, but I've engineered mine so that it doesn't destroy absorbed targets. I fight my way through a building full of zombies, looking for a man. The building is tall and I find the man on a floor 9 or something. I hold the door as zombies try to get in. The man looks like Terry Crews. He's a scientist and has a glowing magic wand. It looks like it's made from lightning. The window seems to be our only way out. I tell him to jump with me as I take the wand and get outside. When I'm already hanging outside the window, the man turns evil and tries to take back the wand he gave me. I don't give it back. I leave the man to deal with the zombies and I jump. As I fall, I try to fly. I fail, but I land safely. I'm surrounded by zombies. I try to fly again and fail.

    Failing to fly reminds me of lucid dreams and I become lucid. "I'm dreaming!" I tell myself while looking at a horde of zombies around me. I want to improve my dream control and decide to start by recalling my waking life. I'm hoping that would improve lucidity. While I focus on recalling waking life stuff, I lose the dream.

    Yeah, should just focus on the dream. I'm also pretty much over my flu so that should be good for dreams.


    -Winter, in a bus with dad and brother. Dad drove, I told him where to go.

    -Sister and kids. At my parents' place. Outside there were kids playing around with lawn mowers and sleeping on a running lawn mower. I tried to get them to stop.

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