January 28th 2020
, 01-28-2020 at 02:07 PM (331 Views)
A little bit of background. When i was like 11 i had a guitar teacher. This teacher had two brothers who also played the guitar. I only knew the older brother by sight, but didn't really know him, i knew his little children mostly and by that time he was the only only who had children.
Yesterday my mom talked to me about my guitar teacher, and his children, a bit and i guess that was enough for he to appear in my dreams last night.
So in my dream:
I was in different places visiting family members. I went to a house, visit some family members for a while and then hopped to another house to say hi to another group. Curiously this person knew my family and since he was in town he also came to visit everyone. Each time i left a house i said goodbye to him too because i thought i won't be seeing him again. And even though he wasn't following me, he kinda arrived after me to the places i went. It was kinda surprising and funny. He had two kids in the dream.
Then in another fragment i was in the university. I was going to take a new class. I was waiting for it to start with other classmates who i just met. But then my math teacher comes through the door as i was talking to people, and he asks for my name. I raise my hand and say "its me", and he asks me to come with him. I thought two things: one) could i have done anything wrong? And since i couldn't.. i thought two) since i have taken his class already and pretty much i understood it quite well even though it's not a so easy subject, he probably needed my assistance. So as we were walking i try to make some talk and ask him how has he been (never talked to him before actually). He says good and asks me too. Then we arrive at this other classroom in which he had some shady business with other professor, but not so shady anyways. The classroom was abandoned and he and another professor decided to repair it and make it their headquarters or something. I don't remember anything else.