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    Japanese Number Highshools

    by , 04-01-2014 at 09:01 PM (802 Views)
    Before I decided to wake up for good this morning I had a strange experience where I had a vivid dream that happened right after I closed my eyes for a couple minutes after being wide awake. It lasted about a minute but it was so vivid.

    Apparently I was in japan, people all around me where dressed in white uniforms, with blue leggings or skirts. It kind of reminded me of school uniforms. There where three buildings in a row, huge and wide buildings that looked like chapels mixed with some school layouts. I was walking with a friend who spoke Japanese but she understood what I was saying, I was asking where I was supposed to go for a certain thing I really don't remember what I was asking but she understood and pointed to the middle building among three different ones. This kind of made sense since the building was the second building from left to right and right to left. It had the roman numeral two in big bold letters in front of the school. People where standing around chatting amongst themselves, it was strange. I could see the source of light from the dream, I couldn't see people's faces but that is common. There were people sitting on benches among this board walk, with schools in the back of the board walk, and green grassy fields. That was pretty much it though.
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    Updated 04-01-2014 at 09:07 PM by 1643



    1. dreamprophet89's Avatar
      Wow this dream is pretty cool I've been wanting to visit some sort of anime/japan in my dreams but haven't. Are you in school? question number two is Do you watch anime? Maybe you watched too much Chromed Shell Regios
    2. LifeDreamer's Avatar
      I do watch anime. Not very much recently but yes. I'm not in school currently so I find it weird to have school dreams, although maybe it is quite common. Yeah, this was kind of a first. I never dream about schools let alone japanese school and when I do its about my old schools in the past. I've never seen that Anime, I'll have to check it out.
    3. Mismagius's Avatar
      Cool dream, LifeDreamer!