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    Water then anime girl

    by , 10-11-2012 at 03:24 AM (919 Views)
    The dream started out where I was on a water ride with family. We had all got together and were on this ride together. But then it changed, we weren't on the ride and after we got out of a tunnel in the ride we had jumped out of the boats or rafters and continued to go on this adventure ride where it was like a water park and a ride at Disney land. After slipping and drifting down this pool water river that was super clear and clean I had decided to separate from my family on go down this giant slide that slide down into another pool of water. Then after this my dream changed to where I was with a anime character who was Yui from K-on!

    blogs/lifedreamer/attachments/3705-water-then-anime-girl-hirasawa.yui.full.1186820.jpg We were sitting together and drifting/relaxing in a view around this beautiful scenery that was surrounded by amber clouds, flowers, and a deep cool water surface with petals that hit the water. We were drifting down this view like we were rafting but just sleeping/relaxing while on the water surface. We both had our feet out towards this view and just as this was happening I woke up. Dang it!

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    1. Anukramet's Avatar
      Whoa! Dist you know that Water usually symbolizes emotion?
    2. LifeDreamer's Avatar
      Yeah, I thought about it a lot, and if water did signify emotions then that was some very clear 1080p water.