5/26/12 No dream recall and dream rambling...
, 05-26-2012 at 05:15 PM (812 Views)
No dream recall, it wasn't really going to happen, especially leaving a party around 2AM or so, and then doing random things until 4 AM, and only sleeping for 4-5 hours on a random interval.....
I had a lingering thought in my mind, but it faded. Oh well, nothing too major, since my dreams are boring anyway.
One thing that amazes me is that anything is possible in dreaming as long as you believe it will become a reality.
Okay, I might be playing around with a few words there, but every time I see someone saying you can't do this in your dream, and yet they preach that statement in bold, how far are you willing to add exceptions to the point where the statement above becomes diluted and meaningless?
And exclude the fact that you can't really do the same things in waking like as you can in your dreams (create fireballs out of your hand, etc.)
If you're the really idealistic type of person, you could say dreaming in general is a perfect medium for self-fulfilling prophecies.
Well that's a self-fulfilling prophecy in a nutshell, that's nothing new, nothing special, but really...this is all dreams are about! I'm still using a little bit of mental filters with practical reasoning of dreaming and it's limits, and with everyone's own unique schemata, sometimes the "anything is possibly in dreaming" mentality that gets preached here but not really taken to full appreciation (by appreciation, just knowing that your mentality and belief in something will eventually cause you to actually obtain whatever it is you seek).A prediction that comes true entirely because people believe it and act on that basis.
This probably doesn't even make sense because the concepts are common sense, but how many people use common sense with dreaming? Probably not a lot, and I'm not talking about stabilization, REM cycles, induction techniques, genetic restraint, blahblahblah.....
If I really wanted to, instead of believing that I'm some kind of representation of some mystical being, I could just say I'm just an ordinary being, and if I strongly believe that, it's going to happen, no questions asked.
Unless...Deus ex machina.
Something that comes out of nowhere to solve something that would be deemed as impossible to solve. Whether you believe in deeper and more subjective aspects of dreaming in general like the Astral Plane, higher beings, Shared Dreaming, and more....there has to be something at some point in your dreaming experiences that you cannot believe was going to happen.
That one variable, but not the only variable, is what makes dream interesting. But, you could use an argument that it was your subconscious that fabricated it, and based on your belief on its efficacy, it can change how you act in your dreams. Common sense right? But does anyone pay attention to something that apparent?
If I secretly set out false expectations, things I know that could never happen because people will form a consensus, and this is just constraining the "anything is possible in dreaming" to just the dreaming plane, and maybe a few more realms, planes, dimensions beyond that, if I'm really sticking to a certain belief at the time, and if people think it's logical to become a reality in dreaming, it's going to happen.
What's the point in saying all this? What I'm saying is that dream interpretation, from what I know of it, is just false expectations, things that you want it to declared as a meaning, when it could be something else. The more mental filters you create for dream interpretation, and it's pretty much bound to happen to someone, the harder it is to see the real meaning.
If anyone is actually following me on this, if you think something as absurd as a piece of rock representing that you're too "stoic" and "dull" in life, how much are you willing to bet that naturally, you're just using homologous variation just to make yourself feel better.
Things like seeing fire, you could easily associate that with a conclusion that with something like rage, anger, strong intentions, blahblahblah.
If I'm using homologous variation right, you could say that dreaming really is limited to what your unconscious contains. Which means that meaning in dreams are meaningless because of its subjective nature right? Again, I'm not saying that, or believing it, but things like homologous variation and self-fulfilling prophecy in general, it makes sense to think something like that, right?
But that brings in another interesting trend, when people tell you or others that you shouldn't over-analyze dreaming.
That's a perfect excuse to safely guard your beliefs from being shattered. Everyone has a right to believe what they want in their dreams, but man, it's obvious that these aspects, but not only these aspects, makes dreaming something anyone would love to see become true end up being true, as long as they don't let religion, how they were brought up, etc. encroach its subjective nature.
I can already predict how people might take this,
"That's absurd!"
"That doesn't make it fun!"
wah wah wah.
Meh. Enough with the Freud mode.
Happy Dreaming, everyone.
In my opinion, dream interpretation is just a vehicle for making false realities an actual reality, excluding any kind of incorporation of waking life of course...just dreaming and anything beyond that plane.
Don't take dream interpretations too seriously, but some people don't really pay attention to that, which was clear in that last ramble I made about that golden eagle nonsense.
Just proof that as long as I believe I'm a part of that, that it will become a reality in my dreams, but really, does anything really matter anymore to believe in the dreaming plane and beyond?
Maybe we're all just nothing, just voids, filling a meaning when it isn't really required, just optional...lool.
But if you go into that mentality that there is essentially no reason to believe something so strongly, it's going to be boring just existing in the dreaming world/plane.
I just wanted to see how I might think if I believed in only practical reasoning in dreaming in general.
I'll probably forget this until I look at it again, I shift and experiment with as many mindsets as I can, without fading myself away from a logical and general one.
So don't think I'm taking the things I've said as absolute law.