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    Batman, Catwoman, Blue Grass, Penguin, & Booby Traps

    by , 12-21-2014 at 05:55 AM (627 Views)
    Batman, Catwoman, Blue Grass, Penguin, & Booby traps (DILD)


    I’m apparently Batman, and I’m walking through a large field of sky blue grass with a slight hue of turquoise. It seems fairly ominous, but seeing how the pathway seemed very clear, I went ahead with confidence. It seems a dream character that looks like Catwoman in the Arkham Asylum game I never played is joining with Mr. Penguin to try and lure me into a trap.

    Not sure why Selena is pairing up with Mr. Penguin, but it’s completely irrelevant at this point because I know what it is they’re trying to pull by shifting into a grandiose spectator view to see what will be ahead of me. After going through the blue grass field, I will encounter a group of random dream characters that look human that will try and gang up on me, and an onslaught of traps would come after me should I avoid those dream characters as well.

    For some reason while I’m still in spectator mode, the more I go through this environment, it sets off a chain reaction as if the dream body I would be in if I shifted awareness to it actually traversed through these areas. It was somewhat hilarious to dream characters trying to gang up on someone that isn’t even there.

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