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    Framing Someone, Negative Father, Bacteria (SDE Pt. 2 Day: 10)

    by , 10-15-2012 at 05:44 PM (705 Views)
    Recall isn't that good, had an Organic Chemistry Lab, it went pretty well, took up most of the class time, since it was basic TLC paper. I was lucky to use the Ethyl Acetate as a solvent, since Hexane and other liquids used sucked for my two partners.

    Maybe I should take a nap, since I only had 2-3 hours of sleep.

    Framing Someone (Non-lucid)


    All I remember is framing someone before they could frame me. Then the dream shifts where I'm trying to dance like Michael Jackson, even doing grunts and sounds.

    Then the real one appears, opens his eyes as he lifts his body off the wall to my left. He has his Black hat and Black glittering jacket with a white shirt underneath, along with long black pants and shoes.

    Negative Father (Non-lucid)


    My father says something to me, but whatever it was, it makes me feel pissed. I get mad enough where I wanted to tell him off, and he leaves.

    Man, it must've been some serious stuff too, and I can't recall what I said to him, just muffled sounds.

    It's been a while since I had a dream where I was REALLY pissed at my father....

    Bacteria (Non-lucid)


    I think I'm in a library, and there's a huge bowl at what seems to be the information center of the building. There's two on top on each other, and there's light brown stuff accumulating inside of it.

    The bowls were a transparent faded yellow color, and I realized that it was Bacteria forming inside. I also noticed my AP English Teacher from the Second High school I attended when I moved is there.

    The flooring was green carpet, and the lighting is the same orange-lighting that I see a lot in previous dreams, it kind of augments the hazy or somewhat blurry atmosphere. My teacher looks at me, and I think I'm communicating with her, but I can't remember what.

    I think the Bacteria was associated to a conversation with someone talking about a Virus.
    KristaNicole07 likes this.

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