Man in a Green Jacket, Princess
, 05-24-2012 at 04:32 PM (1253 Views)
_________________________05.24.2012Man in a Green Jacket (Non-lucid)
Everything is in first person mode, and I have machine gun in hand. The setting is very dark, and it seems I'm invading some kind of stone castle and fortress. I sneak in, and then I go check what's inside a small stone house that seemed to be an area where soldiers could get some ammo.
I sense a guard, and I check the back window, and the guard starts getting suspicious, I turn around to make sure I won't get shot in the back, and then opened the door in front of me. The guard gets closer, and I tried to hide, but I was too slow to take cover.
He notices me, and he looks exactly like the guards in Metal Gear Solid 3. I shoot him with a machine gun, and then immediately get out of the house, and I aim my gun at where the other guys might come from, and I'm right.
Just Exclude the "J" on his head, and that's how they looked, and the camouflage was a bit more yellow.
There's at least 3-4 of them out to get me, and I'm already having the machine gun aimed at the head of the guard without even twitching a single part of my arms and wrists. I was dead accurate with aiming, but I still have put a little more bullets in the guards heads to even cause some kind of damage.
And when I did shoot them, I'm not even sure if they died, this dream seemed to be those rare ones where my shots do not make a difference, and they will keep coming after.
Then......the moment when I thought I was safe while trying to shoot and run, this man comes up closer to me and tries to shoot me.
His hair, it's a mix of gray, and white as well, he looks like one of those people that could be a vampire of some sort, you know, the old guy who still looks handsome but deadly....the type of guy that you don't really want to provoke too much.
He didn't have the jacket look swamp-ish like the one above me, it was a bit more of a regular dark green.
He was wearing a red tie, black pants I believe, a large green jacket that extended near his ankles, and probably wore a white dress shirt with some kind of black vest on top of that. I couldn't see his eyes, he seemed to be one of those figures with the eyes that stay like this:
" - - " (I would draw it out, but that's my best description right now)
I continue shooting him, and I even see his life bar, but it isn't going down at all. After I ran out of machine gun ammo, I switch to a pistol/handgun, and started to barrage him with whatever bullets were left in side. This guy was also dead accurate with his shots, and I'm wondering why I'm not feeling any kind of damage....
I'm still running while having my attention focused on this guy, and he's going really really REALLY fast to the point where I think he isn't even using his feet, he's just freaking levitating and zooming in on me fast.
Then there's this "Mission Complete!" logo that comes up when I'm seeing things in third person view.
Some stats show up, but I don't even pay attention to that, I'm wondering how I completed the mission if I'm running like my life depended on it?
05.24.2012Princess (Non-lucid)
I see a blonde female in a glittering and silver dress, I can't remember most of her visage, but I'm presuming she was at least cute. I think she's putting on make-up and some earrings as well.
That's all i remember.
Well, there's one more dream I remember, but it just involved me going through random things and meeting with random people....not really a good description huh?