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    He spit on me ughhh

    by , 02-13-2012 at 01:19 AM (851 Views)
    This was my second lucid dream.
    It began by me walking around talking to my cousin and I said this is a dream. I was telling him to try lucid dreaming and he refused. Then i told him that I could see the thread in his shirt and even read the tag on his shirt. Then for some reason a child spit on me and ran away. I ran after the child with my superspeed and then I sent an owl after his two friends while they were somewhere about to intervene with my need to punch him. When I caught him I punched him in the face because I knew it was a dream and because I could. When his friends came back, they said "oh my gosh we just got chased by a bird" and I said "yea I sent it" then my little brother chuckled.

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    lucid , memorable


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