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    Death's Other Kingdom

    1. Epic: Journey into the Requiem

      by , 11-15-2013 at 02:54 AM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      Facing the Goblin Hoard (Non-lucid)


      My faithful companions and I enter the palace of the light goblins, seeking the Goblin Princess named Whisper. She had sent word to my Knight that she has some important information for us. The light goblins may be less savage than their kin, but we still must be careful. Humans in the palace are subject to intense scrutiny: one wrong move and we'll all be killed.

      A young female goblin servant slips my knight a letter from the Princess. It reads: "I'm in the subconscious right now. You must meet me in the Requiem." We all exchange anxious glances. The Requiem--- home of the dark goblins--- is exactly where we did NOT want to go.

      We begrudgingly make our way to the Market and buy as much fruit as we can, as tribute to the dark goblins. You won't get very far in the Requiem without a substantial food offering to pacify the greedy little beasts.

      Then the time comes to enter the massive cave system known as the Requiem. We decide to go in groups of two to ease suspicion. The Dark Goblins tend to find humans amusing, even going as far as inviting large groups of them to attend events in the Requiem's inner chambers. However, getting to these inner chambers is easier said than done. The goblins along the way will find any excuse to snatch a human away before they reach their destination.

      Because the goblins are confident in their vast numbers (and rightly so) we are allowed to bring in our weapons under the condition that they are sheathed at all times. I decide to bring my faithful scimitar, though I hope I won't be needing it.

      I enter the caves with my friend Alma, a healer who is actually quite knowledgable about Goblin culture. After giving the doorman his part of the tribute, we make our way inside. An older she-goblin stops me a few minutes into our slow, wary journey. She wants to play a game with me. Apparently this game involves slapping me in the face with a mostly deflated balloon. I stand there and take it, hoping that she'll grow weary of the "game" and let me go. She tells me I'm not doing it right, that I'm supposed to cry out in pain. I realize she is kind of like a child who hits an adult and finds it funny when the adult pretends that the weak attack has injured them. The next time the she-goblin hits me, I cry out and pretend to be in pain. Unfortunately, an older male goblin watching nearby lets out an annoyed "shhhhh!"

      "Ah, a shush from him means an execution. Too bad!" the old she-goblin cackles. I sigh in frustration and weigh my options. Resisting their attacks wouldn't do much good--- there are far too many of them to fight. Even if I could, it would put Alma in the middle of the danger. I have no choice but to run.

      So run I do. I barrel into the annoying she-gob, sending her sprawling to the floor. I bolt through the door before me, cringing at the sheer number of goblins who begin chasing after me.

      I run for a very long time, deftly taking unexpected turns and even throwing myself through a large stained glass window, but they always keep right on my heels. Maybe it's time to make a stand.

      I climb up a pillar in a large cathedral like room, all the way up to the rafters. I figure that the goblins could only move single file along the narrow beams, thus allowing me to chop them down one at a time. But more by luck than anything, I somehow fall through a nearby window into a large courtyard where a lot of other humans are gathered for an event (including my comrades). Goblins are notoriously bad at recognizing individual humans in a crowd, so I blend right in and successfully escape. As long as I can hide my limp from the fall, they shouldn't recognize me...
    2. Crow Monsters, High Schoolers, and a Little Pig

      by , 11-15-2013 at 02:51 AM (Death's Other Kingdom)

      Rebecca Rostrid (DILD)


      After an annoying library incident, I am hiding on the front lawn with my dad as giant crow creatures circle over head. They want nothing more than to tear us limb from limb and devour our corpses. We bury ourselves under piles of mown grass--- unfortunately, they spot my dad and drag him away.

      I lie there for a long time before
      realizing that I'm dreaming. Now itching for a fight, I conjure up a machete and teleport inside my house. I intend to run out the front door to fight them, where I'll be in a better position for battle. Unfortunately, my brother stops me before I make it out. He claims the machete is his, and I end up fighting him for it.

      Physical attacks do no damage. Instead, I somehow "grab" his energy and threaten to crush his existence. Terrified, he surrenders.

      I go back outside with the knife, more than ready for my battle with the crow creatures. I look to the sky where one is flying. It bursts into flames and falls at my feet, where it becomes a crow-shaped medallion with the name "Rebecca Rostrid" engraved into it with firey letters. I wake up with the name burned into my mind.

      Finding Rebecca Rostrid (DILD)


      I am jogging down the road in the neighborhood outside my college. My legs are not working properly and I keep nearly falling. A friend who is with me finds this hilarious and intentionally pushes me over. I angrily think that this is like something that would happen in a dream. The thought triggers me to RC, and I become lucid.

      I immediately remember that I want to find out who Rebecca Rostrid is. the setting has changed to that of a typical high school. I ask my friend if she knows Rebecca, but she is no help. I shout her name--- it reverberates throughout the whole school.

      Nearby, there is a group of guys leaning agains the lockers. They tell me they know who Rebecca is, and we have a brief conversation about her. They mention something about her apparently pleasing appearance and, to fit in, I make a rather inappropriate joke involving her. They all laugh about it until I realize that Rebecca is standing right behind me. She doesn't look pleased with what I've said. "Um, that was just a joke," I mumble awkwardly.

      She is somewhat short, with curly/frizzy red hair tied back in a pony tail. We have a short conversation that I no longer remember.

      Little Pig (Non-lucid)


      I become best friends with a little pig who is so eaten up with fleas that the entire left half of her body is deteriorated to the point that you can see her internal organs--- or what's left of them. she is sad because everyone thinks she's ugly.
    3. Gryphon

      by , 11-15-2013 at 02:47 AM (Death's Other Kingdom)

      Gryphon (DILD)


      I am lucid, riding a Gryphon over the dreamscape. His name is Cerberus. He is flying very close to trees and I have to be very careful not to get hit by branches. We are having a conversation the entire time--- I can't remember what we talk about, but he is pretending to be annoyed with me for riding him (though secretly he enjoys my company).

      We land amidst some ruins where an evil witch sets a feral dog after us. I beat the dog with a nearby tree branch and, with Cerberus's help, impale it--- thus pinning it to the wall. We fly away before the witch can send more creatures. Cerberus tells me I'm brave--- for a human.

      We keep flying together for a long time.
      lucid , memorable
    4. Of Cat-girls, death, and new lives

      by , 11-15-2013 at 02:45 AM (Death's Other Kingdom)

      Animal Planet (Non-lucid)


      I have entered an alternate timeline in which animals rule the world and consider people a lower form of life. In the city, I see busses with writing such as "PETA Daycare." I find this very amusing. My mom and I are attempting to return to our hometown, but when we come across some temples and holy statues sacred to the animals, I break away to explore. In the process of exploring, this human-looking girl who claims to be half animal begins chasing me. Humans are not allowed to wander around alone, so I am deemed a fugitive and a rogue. (Apparently animal-human hybrids such as the girl chasing me are raised as animals).

      I run away but the animal girl always finds me. I still have a bottle of alcohol from a previous dream, which ignites a plan within me. The bottle has different settings of strength and flavor, so I turn it to the highest strength and trick my pursuer into drinking it. Now that she's drunk, I figure that escaping her will be twenty times easier.

      Unfortunately for us both, I am wrong. The girl follows me to a strange area where a set of monkey bars reaches over a span of incredible height. I am carefully making my way across when she tries to pull me down. I tell her to cut it out or she'll get us both killed, but she is drunk and not in her right state of mind, so she keeps trying.

      She almost falls herself, but I manage to catch her and help her down to solid ground. I gently lay her down; she is no longer as drunk, but she's bretty shaken up from the scare of almost falling to her death. She mumbles out an embarassed "thank you."

      In response, I unexpectedly lean over and kiss her. At first she is startled, then she kisses me back. Sadly, a group of pure-blood animals have come upon us while we were distracted. They are furious, screaming that a relationship between humans and animals are forbidden. We are forced to flee. She is very angry with me for making her an outcast, but we have no choice but to stick together to evade capture. I find the whole situation very amusing.

      Guardian Spirit (Non-lucid)


      I have died and I think I've been born again. A bit of time passes until my brain has the capacity to think. I am a bit disconcerted when thinking about my new appearance. "I... have blue eyes...?" I ask out loud, more to myself than anyone else. I remember having green eyes. Why are they blue? My mom says I have blue eyes just like my father's. I soon realize that I am not actually the child--- my spirit is simply connected to hers. She is actually my brother's daughter; my niece.

      I am somewhat sad to be dead, but I decide I will make my death worthwhile and watch after my niece as her guardian spirit. I will not let any harm come to her. The child sees me as her imaginary friend. Now one suspects that my spirit is still lingering. My parents are raising the child as their own--- I have no idea what has happed to my brother, but I suspect he may be dead as well.

      Second Life (Non-lucid)


      I have my personality, but I am a different Person in another life, apparently in high school again. My best friends and I have a strange inside joke about our group’s “rulebook,” which contains arbitrary rules about our friendship. We are in the cafeteria getting lunch. Friend #1 walks away to get tea. While she’s preoccupied, I strike up a conversation with Regina, our school’s bitchy head cheerleader. She is talking about hair with her friend, and I mention that I’ve given up caring about my own hair. She makes some snide comment about it and says something about me being a nerd. I tell her I am proud to be a nerd. The entire exchange seems to be more out of routine than actually malicious. I am enamored with Regina and enjoy these little encounters. I’m beginning to suspect that she does as well.

      When I return to my table, I obviously have a stupid grin on my face. Friend #1 asks me what happened.

      Me: *still smiling* Nothing.

      Friend 1: Nothing my butt. Did you meet someone? Did you have a romantic encounter?

      Me: No. I just had an amusing conversation with… someone.

      Friend 1: *sudden realization* Oh god, tell me you weren’t flirting with Regina again! I can understand if you like the cheery types but seriously? Regina?

      Me: Hey, it’s not---

      Before I can defend myself, Friend #2 sits with us. She notices that Friend #1 is once again carrying an empty pocket book with her (an apparent weird habit of hers). “New rule,” she says. “No carrying empty pocket books.

      Friend 1: What? Why not?

      Friend 2: Because, it looks dumb and I’m embarrassed to be seen with you.

      Friend 1: It does not.

      Me: Actually, it makes sense. What if the apocalypse suddenly happened? Yoou’d need a bag to carry important items you find, like in Silent Hill or Resident Evil.

      Friend 1: *stares at me like I’m crazy, then turns to Friend #2* Okay, you’re right. It’s stupid.
    5. Rise of the Mutants

      by , 11-15-2013 at 02:40 AM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      My life has been pretty hectic since this past summer, but (as always) I miss being active here and talking about dreams with everyone. So I'm going to attempt to bring this journal back up to date with a few highlights from my written DJ. I'll group them by month so there won't be an overflow of posts from me.


      Rise of the Mutants (Non-lucid)


      I go into a strange Japanese restraunt with my friends from college. We are only stopping by to use the bathroom after ((some events I can't remember)). All of the prices are listen in Yen, so I have no idea how much everything actully costs. It looks really expensive though.

      I am admiring a fish tank in the back that has extremely exotic creatures that I've never seen before. One of the creatures is fairly large, about the size of a dog, has webbed hands and feet, a lizard tail, fish fins coming out of its face (like the Hyoo-mans), and a drill for a nose. The creature stands pressed up against the glass, staring at us.

      Somehow the thing escapes, along with others of its kind. It turns out that they are somewhat sentient. We are supposed to stand perfectly still while they sniff us and nothing will happen, but everyone is freaked out and one of them slaughters Hannah.

      Years pass and these things have taken over. We have taken refuge in the sewers, but as part of a resistance force we've been above ground doing some scouting. We get caught. The creatures are sniffing us. I manage to stand still until they try sniffing up my skirt, then I freak out and squirm around, trying to get away. This triggers their wrath, and we are forced to run away.
    6. Music Defines Reality + Sleep Paralysis

      by , 04-02-2013 at 02:57 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      In which I break my #1 rule yet again. >_<

      Music Defines Reality + Sleep Paralysis (DILD)


      I become lucid after some weird episode of talking to my friend's GPS. It is a very low level of lucidity.

      I'm walking down the road, convinced that it is important to go home right now. As I'm walking, I look behind me and see a woman walking a little girl on a leash. It becomes apparent that the little girl is a zombie. They are pretty far off, so I figure I am not in any danger.

      Suddenly, suspenseful music begins to play. It's really creepy, and I look behind me to see the zombie girl growing closer. I keep walking. Now, the music is growing in intensity, and I hear rapid footsteps behind me.

      I fly into the air, figuring I'll be safe up here. I'm wrong. I turn to see the zombie in the air with me. She tears into my arm, ripping the flesh away to reveal blood and muscle and bone. It is incredibly painful.

      This somehow triggers me to become stuck in sleep paralysis. I am now lying in what feels like my floor, unable to move. This horrible sensation is now shooting through my leg. It isn't pain, but it is uncomfortable enough to be just as bad, if not worse, than pain. I would have been writhing and screaming in agony if I could actually move.

      After this passes, a rather unpleasant woman in her mid 40's begins molesting me. Again, as I am unable to move, there is nothing I can do about this. This goes on for quite a while until
      I have a false awakening. I sit up in bed thinking it's over. As soon as I sit up, my vision goes fuzzy and I see weird shapes floating all around me. I can't get a grip on what's happening, and soon fall back over into sleep paralysis.

      I am sick of being paralyzed. I consider turning this into a lucid dream, but I worry that I'll just have more chains of false awakenings and sleep paralysis issues.

      At this point, I manage to open my real eyes, still unable to move. It is already morning according to the level of light. I struggle to keep my eyes open, but I manage to focus on my colorful bedspread
      until I finally jolt awake for real.
    7. Chase of Fools

      by , 04-02-2013 at 02:39 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      I forgot to post this one yesterday.

      Chase of Fools (DILD)


      Early one morning, I hear the school bus go by and I realize I've missed it. ((What I fail to realize is that I graduated high school nearly a year ago...)) I run outside and see that I will never catch up on foot. I guess I'll have to drive.

      My neighbor Melissa has also missed the bus, so I decide to give her a ride as well. After I turn off my street, we are on a road that should lead straight to the school. Instead, we end up in some weird complex.

      No longer in the car, we are walking on foot through the complex.
      I become lucid, because missing the bus and then getting lost is a common dream sign of mine. I decide that all I really want to do for this dream is to explore.

      The complex is basically made up of short walls surrounded by a barbed wire fence. There are three sections to the complex, each one taller than the previous. As we are walking through this rather boring place, a tall naked man with deathly white skin and no face comes up behind us. He is angry that we are in his complex. He clearly wants us dead.

      I am in no mood for a chase, so I figure that if we just get out of the complex, he'll go away. With a combination of flying and climbing, I make it out and head into the town. Unfortunately, the creepy guy is still following.

      I decide to just ignore him out of existance. The only problem is, everyone I come across intentionally says something to remind me of him, so he continues to chase me.

      I lose lucidity somewhere along the line when I have a false awakening. I make it back to my house, where I find horrifying sigils drawn everywhere. I recognize the sigils as a sign of an incredibly evil demon lady who has apparently tormented me in the past. I am trying to figure out how to get rid of her again when I wake up.
    8. Welcome to Hell

      by , 04-01-2013 at 02:56 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      I find this one quite amusing. xD

      Welcome to Hell (Non-lucid)


      A chute opens up in the ground, and I fall down into a pile of other people. We are in a rather small shower/bathroom area that might be found in a locker room. Satan appears and says we are in Hell. He tells us that we are assigned to two particular chores every day: an hour of cleaning a bathroom and three hours of tossing a baby up and down. The catch is that we are not given clocks, so we have to measure the time in our heads. If we go under our required time, we will be punished severely.

      I don't believe that this is really Hell, so I walk off and decide not to listen to him. I am gone for a while (with a memory lapse). When I return, everyone is lined up, tossing their babies up and down, up and down. I think that this CAN'T be good for them.

      I approach Satan and he asks me why I haven't done my chores. "I'm better than that." I tell him. He decides that I can help him collect some souls instead. He wraps me up in packaging paper and sends me down another chute. I land in someone's kitchen. ((I can somehow see through the paper, even though I'm wrapped from head to toe)). There is a man there, and his young daughter.

      I burst from the packaging paper. This scares the man and gives him a heart attack, killing him. A chute opens up beneath both of us, and we end up back in Hell.

      I get a sense of deja vu. I learn that my memory lapse from earlier was because Satan had already been using me to collect souls, and he erased my memory of the events.
      Tags: hell, satan
      non-lucid , memorable
    9. Spiders and chainsaws and fairies, oh MY!

      by , 03-31-2013 at 02:03 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      Spiders and Chainsaws and Fairies, oh MY! (Non-lucid)


      In my back yard at night, two of the giant spider people who live in the forest come to pay me a visit. They tell me that I am "invited" to play a game with them tonight. I must survive in the forest until sunrise to win the game. If I decide not to play, there will be serious consequences. They show me a vision of an innocent looking butterfly-girl being tied up in webs. I intuitively know that this vision represents a person I care about being taken by the spider people if I refuse to participate.

      I go out and by the brightest flashlight that I can find, because the spider people are weak against light. This will be my only protection against a race of beings who can blend perfectly into the shadows and see in the dark like it's nothing. "I'm totally screwed," I mutter to myself as I head back to my house.

      I would really like to find someone to come with me to play the "game," but everyone is too busy. (There is some kind of adventuring Guild at my house that I am a part of.) I come across Cheyenne in one of the back rooms and briefly consider asking her to join me, but I realize that I'd only be putting her in danger and that she is likely the person the Spiders will take from me. I've got to do this alone.

      As I head out, a Werewolf who is part of the guild (and possibly an old character of mine from high school) asks me to go on a really important quest for him. I say that I will, but I have to play the Spider's game first.

      When I get out in the forest, I hide myself under a tree and wait. After a few minutes of nothing happening, I get bored and decide to leave.
      ((So apparently it wasn't that important after all...?))

      I take up my werewolf friend's quest and head out with my brother and my dad down the back road. It is a two part quest: part of it involves something deep in the forest, and part of it involves killing the daughter of a very important man in a village not far from here. We decide to deal with the girl first.

      The gravel road should lead directly to the village, but there is a big red truck parked in a nearby field with two sentries. Our first plan is to sneak by unnoticed. We begin crawling low to the ground, but are spotted anyway. We stand up quickly as the truck approaches us. Time for plan B.

      Before the two men in the truck can ask questions, I put on a stupid expression and point down the road. "We were wondering where this road leads to," I say amiably. I can see that the driver believes us not to be a threat.

      "Oh, just follow us," he says and drives slowly down the gravel road. We follow for a short distance, until he stops just before the village and gets out. "I'll show you around, he says."

      His passenger gets out as well. He is a GIGANTIC man with a chainsaw, which he revs threateningly. I am concerned about this one, but I play my part of the oblivious traveler.

      The two men take us through the village, showing us different shops and various important people here. The man with a chainsaw follows at a distance, ready to cut us to bits at any moment.

      At one point, my companions and I step just outside of the village to have a brief talk. There, we find a Fairy Ring. We stand in the middle of the ring. One of the people with me ((no longer my dad and brother, my companions kept changing throughout the dream)) says that this is a good sign and that we must ask the Goddess for her blessing in order to complete our quest. Suddenly fairies begins swirling around us, emitting a beautiful light. They swirl up to the very heavens, where we can see a vision of the Goddess smiling down at us. She sends the light back, even more beautifully than before, and tells us that we have her blessing.

      We return to the village and have audience with the leader. We are hoping to gain knowledge of where his daughter is. I am sent looking for the leader's missing shoe, which I accidentally step on. An evil skeleton wraith lunges up from the shoe and starts attacking me. I shatter it to pieces, dispelling the spirit. Apparently we had needed this spirit for something, and the leader tells me he can not bring it back.

      I wake up shortly afterward.
    10. Coughing up Roaches

      by , 03-28-2013 at 03:51 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      Coughing up Roaches (DILD)


      I am in a classroom at my old high school with two annoying kids who were freshman back when I was a senior. I take a nap, and when I wake up the entire school has undergone some kind of demonic shift.

      My first sign that something is terribly wrong is when I begin coughing up roaches. I am coughing and hacking, with huge live roaches spilling out onto the floor. One of them crawls out of my mouth and scurries up my face to hide in my hair. I am disgusted, but not quite as disturbed as I should be.

      Some time passes and I am deep within the belly of the school, in a dungeon-like area filled with row upon row of drying racks. On the racks are the decaying corpses of goblins. I am travelling with a live goblin, and I feel sorry that he has to see all of this. The ceiling is very low, so we are walking hunched over.

      We make our way through the seemingly endless expanse of dead goblins, when the ceiling begins to collapse. We quickly evade the falling rubble until we come to an area where the ceiling is a bit higher. There are still rows and rows of drying racks in this area, but at least we don't have to hunch forward to walk anymore. Unfortunately, there are also Giants guarding this section. I imagine that they are on high alert due to the collapsing ceiling, so we flee the area as quickly and quietly as possible.

      Along the way, these red bamboo creatures called "Rod Foxes" begin chasing us. I lose my goblin companion, but I make it out of the drying rack area and hide from the Rod Foxes in a classroom. There are a few students in there who are former classmates of mine. One of them looks out the door and says that a teacher is coming. This is a problem, because all of the teachers have become demonized. My classmate says that if we just do as we're told, he won't hurt us.

      The teacher enters the room and tells us to sit in alphabetical order. We comply immediately. He then slams a putrid goblin head onto my desk and says that I must eat it, because it's "tea time."

      I refuse to eat the goblin head and end up slashing the teacher's throat with dual knives. (Not sure how I acquired these.)

      More time passes and my cockroach problem has gotten worse. I can't stop coughing, and the roaches are crawling out of me at an alarming rate.

      Somehow I manage to stop coughing. There is a painting of a castle on a nearby wall, and I
      become lucid while admiring it. I decide that I will go into the painting and explore the castle. I manage to get into the painting, but the night is so dark that I can barely see.

      I wake up shortly afterward.
    11. Hiding Spots

      by , 03-24-2013 at 02:52 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      Hiding Spots (Non-lucid)


      I am running from a particular group of people who always manage to find me. My brother is with me. We are part of some Hunger Game-esque future in which college and high school age students are thrown in prison camps.

      My brother and I run down the dirt road behind my old house, when we see a dark car up ahead. We quickly take another fork in the road, only to come across another car. Both drivers are now after us. We veer off the road into the forest until we see a cabin. With nowhere left to go, hidng there seems to be a good option.

      When we enter, however, there are two men standing there. I am about to fight them, but they convince me that they are on our side. "Not everyone agrees with wiping out part of society," one man says bitterly. He tells me that he was a teacher. I decide that I can trust him.

      We hear car doors out front. "Hide!" the men say.

      There aren't many suitable hiding places in the room. My brother hides beside a bookshelf while I hide under a couch. The men chasing us never come into the cabin.
      Tags: escape
    12. Seeing Orange

      by , 03-24-2013 at 02:51 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      This is one of those nonsense dreams that make me wonder if someone drugged my food before I went to sleep. xD

      Seeing Orange (Non-lucid)


      Running through a dark cave-like place with my companions, we must activate these strange orange symbols by touching them. I am balancing on a railing over a huge abyss in order to reach one of the symbols, high up on on the cave ceiling.

      After activating enough of these symbols, they now produce glowing orange spheres. The spheres are supposed to increase our "HP" in a deadly battle/game that is soon to follow.

      Now my brother and I are collecting the orange spheres. This soon disintigrates logic-wise into us gathering oranges and other orange things in a grocery store. We are racing against time to collect enough before the game begins. We have no idea what to expect once we enter the Chamber.

      I had gathered a full bag or oranges, but as we are walking to the Chamber I see that my bag is barely even half full, and only a few of the things in it are actually orange. There are a lot of little biscuits in there that I hope count as orange even though they're more white/tan.

      My parents are walking with me and my brother. They will be part of the audience. My mom chastizes me when she sees me eating one of the buscuits, because it will alert people that I'm "stressed."

      Inside the chamber, our bags of orange things disappear. A creepy disembodied voice tells us that we can find them throughout the game to increase our HP.

      As we're walking in, several judges are sitting on a high podium in the middle of the Chamber. I cannot stop staring at one of the judges, who is an evil-looking but gorgeous woman who is known for her cruelty in these games. She says something sarcastically to us about none of the contestants liking her. I like you, I think to myself, stricken by her beauty. One of my fellow contestants tells her, "You have nice hair."

      "Nice hair?" she says incredulously. "I have beautiful hair."

      After the disembodied voice introduces us to the judges, everything goes completely dark. The game has begun.

      A spotlight shines on one of the contestants, eating a slice of pepperoni pizza. The cheese (though more of a white/yellow color) apparently counts as orange. But when she takes a bite of one of the pepperonis, green mold spots begin growing on the cheese.

      The curtain closes on her, and the spotlight falls on twin puppets that are supposed to represent my brother and me (though we're not twins). The puppets are talking as if reading a script very badly. They stop and look down at their feet, where a coin is. "Look Sister, a gold coin!" the brother says.

      "Indeed brother, it is a lovely coin!" Though I am watching this scene from a seat several feet away, I also seem to have control over what my puppet version does. I will her to grab the coin, and she does.

      "But Sister," the brother puppet says, "Should not I get the coin? It was I who found it."

      "No, Brother. I found it." As I'm watching this, I firmly believe that if I have the coin, I can get both my brother and myself through the game alive.

      The two puppets quarrel over the coin until a Teddy bear walks up to them. He introduces himself as Hurston. They have a brief conversation that I cannot recall, and then the bear hugs the boy puppet. "Hurston hugged Timothy!" the puppet squeals happily.

      In my seat, I look to my brother who's sitting next to me. "Does this seem familiar to you?" I ask him. He nods.

      The spotlight goes out on the puppets and comes on another contestant. She is a pretty girl who is maybe a few years older than myself. She begins to sing: "When you're down and troubled, and you need a helping hand..." The crowd murmurs appreciatively at her talent. She sings this song so beautifully!

      I resist trying to find my mother in the audience. When I was a child, she would sing this song to me every night before putting me to bed.
    13. Fat Demon

      by , 03-23-2013 at 07:29 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      Fat Demon (DILD)


      I have travelled back through time to the year 2008. I am going to my grandma's house. I'm really excited, even though it is a very important mission, because this should mean that I will get to see my grandfather again.

      Outside the house, there is some scene involving a cat that seems important, but I cannot remember it.

      Weird things are going on in the house. My grandfather is already dead, which doesn't make sense since he died in 2011. My grandma has a shrine for him built in the living room. I am stressing out, trying to figure out what's going on.

      After examining the signs, I realize I have seen this situation before. A certain type of fat demon is causing this. All I have to do is kill him and things should go back to normal.

      More weird things happen, and I remember becoming lucid. I go along with the plot of the dream for a while longer (though I can't remember any of it! I just remember being lucid for a really long time in a huge market like area). Eventually I decide to try to complete by goal of finding out the name of a girl that my friend drew. Crazy things are still happening all around me, and I'm wondering how I can focus on summoning her while I'm being chased by whatever it is.

      ((This was a really long dream. I wish I hadn't forgotten all the important parts.))
      Tags: cat, demon, escape
    14. Accidental WILD

      by , 03-22-2013 at 01:33 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      I had so many dreams that they're all jumbled up in my head. I feel like I'm forgetting something important about an ancient temple and a quest I had to go on....

      A "Wild" Roll (WILD)


      I wake up breifly because my roommate is up doing homework. I roll from my side to my back (my eyes are forced closed because of the sleep mask I'm wearing.) I'm wondering how much time I have left to sleep, when I realize that I'm suddenly caught up in Sleep Paralysis.

      "This will be the first WILD I've had in ages," I think to myself. I ignore the almost painful vibrations tearing through my head and focus on trying to roll off the side of the bed. After a few moments, I accomplish this. My roommate is staring at me in concern. "Did you just fall out of the bed?" she asks.

      "Don't worry about that," I say happily, doing a reality check just to be sure. "I've got tons of stuff to do and not much time to do it." Without answering her questions, I run out of the room.

      I am expecting to see the hallway, so it surprises me when I'm suddenly in my Grandma's house. Doesn't really matter where I am, I decide, just as long as I get... whatever it is I'm supposed to do, done. What am I supposed to do again?

      I notice that it's dark outside, and I figure that I'll be able to think more clearly if it's lighter.

      Before I can even attempt any of this, I wake up again. I lie motionless and try to turn it into a DEILD. I am successful, but I remember absolutely nothing about the following dream, other than it was lighter than the first.

      Too Many Fleas (Non-lucid)


      I am sitting in my old back yard when I notice that my cat (who is supposed to be living with my friend now) is accross the yard. She comes running when I call to her. I am kind of irritated that my friend would just let her wander off like this, when she is supposed to stay inside.

      I pet her and THOUSANDS of fleas begin leaping around through her fur. I am alarmed and disgusted. "Don't worry, I'm going to fix this," I tell her.

      My mom refuses to let her in the house, but she tells me where I can buy some good flea medicine for "only" $50. I look out the window and see Sadie playing with two of my cat's who have been dead for years. I think that my old cats will look after her and she'll be safe.

      Mighty Yell (Non-lucid)


      I am in my closet, looking for something specific. In the background, I can hear my mom calling me. "What is it?" I call out. She just calls my name again. This repeats several times, much to my irritation. Why does she insist on yelling to me from another room if she can't hear my response. I shout "WHAT!?" so loud that I end up screaming it in real life. My roommate is looking at me like I'm insane.
    15. Sequence of Insanity

      by , 03-20-2013 at 06:39 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      Sorry for the bad writing, I didn't have much time to type these up as nicely as I would have liked.

      Cult of Mischief (Non-lucid)


      I hear a lot of commotion outside, and I look out to see several students making a human pyramid on top of the tower on the science building. I am horrified when the girl on top falls. Her friends below try to catch her, but she still looks injured from the force of the impact.

      I run out and as if she's okay. The girls stare at me creepily and make some weird symbols with their hands. "She'll be okay," one of the girls says in a dead voice, before they all run off.

      (wake up)

      After going back to sleep, I am telling a few friends about my dream. A little girl who is sitting with us perks up when I mention the hand symbols. "Like this?" she asks, making the same symbol. Astonished, I ask her how she knows. "I thought it was my own dream," she responds.

      Visiting (Non-lucid)


      For some reason, I am forced to visit another college as if I will be attending there. It has a very ugly campus and most of the people are horrible. There is only one girl there who is nice to me. Even the person I'd be staying with is a complete jerk. Fortunately, I make it back to my own lovely school.

      Once I return, things go wrong. An old friend from high school, without cause, licks her fingers and sticks them in my drink. This infuriates me. I slap her as hard as I can. Now everyone is mad at me and I am ostracized.

      Hypnosis (Non-lucid)


      One of the girls who lives on my hallway hypnotizes me and my roommate, though we are unaware that this is what she is doing. She tells me to write down a bunch of names, but the only one I hear is Jensen Ackles. When I ask her to repeat them, she gets mad and yells at me before repeating them so fast that I still can't understand.

      I pretend to write them down, and somehow manage to guess the questions she asks about them.

      Later, Alex and I are being chased through never-ending corridors (what I call a door labyrinth) by a crazy woman. She seems to be set on killing us, yet she is also intentionally giving us hints on which door to take. I realize that it's all part of some weird plot, that the lady is helping us because our hypnosis failed. She's supposed to try to kill us for certain people, yet her heart is on our side.
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