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    coyote creek

    by , 06-18-2012 at 02:37 PM (692 Views)
    my Dad, two other people and i are standing outdoors in a surrounded by hills and streams of running water. one of the other people tells me "bang your hair, i want to see if you can move water"
    then the other person says "shouldn't he do it over at that coyote creek?" referring to a calm waterfall
    then the former replies "no, over there" pointing to a more airborne and misty waterfall.
    (at this point my dream is put into darkness as my Dad walks into my room and wakes me up)

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    Tags: hills, water


    1. Caenis's Avatar
      Is that like water bending with your hair? Shame you didn't try it out in your dream! Did you understand what the DCs were talking about, or were you clueless? If you haven't already, there's a thread called "DCs Say the Darndest Things." I think your DC conversation could be a good addition to it! If you haven't already read through some of that thread, do so. There are some hilarious posts.
    2. lucidius's Avatar
      i sortof half understood, i do wonder what would happen if i did get a chance to try it.