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    I couldnt classify what happened into anything ?

    by , 06-18-2014 at 12:30 PM (776 Views)
    I was half awake half asleep when i decided to try a Wild but there were no visual, just darkness (since my eyes were closed ) so i decided to go directly for my experiment and ask CAN I SEE GOD and my body started to life physically slowly and haphazardly , i was going up and down with touching the ground and up to the bed and down again for a while , i asked forcefully again only to hear some strange noises. then i waked up to find out .
    1- I was dreaming when i though i was half awake half asleep.
    2- Although i was dreaming there was no picture .
    3- I felt physically lifted but when i wake up i found out it was also part of the dream although it felt so real.
    4-When i woke up i was still in a dream .
    What do you classify this thing i experienced ?

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    1. SomethingDreamy's Avatar
      It could be sleep paralysis. Thats crazy stuff.