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    I’m back (hopefully)

    by , 05-10-2018 at 11:18 AM (603 Views)
    It’s been a while...and nothing much has happened. I’ve had 2 years of angst with moving home and breathing issues and currently the dreams have gone.

    But I met a guy today, a handyman of mixed race and we got talking and he’s got me motivated again. He’s basically interested in LD, meditation etc but he’s young and a family man and that will hold him back a bit. (oldies like me have all the time that nature has left us)

    So I’ll hopefully pick up the threads again. I know some neurons are still on standby because a few muttered mantras still get a slight response.
    I’m supposed to be book writing again but I’m time-wasting on Minecraft at the moment so I need to balance between LD, writing, games and life itself...we’ll have to see what happens won't we...
    gab likes this.

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