Sleepless in South East Essex
, 09-07-2014 at 01:12 PM (534 Views)
Last night the wife went off to babysit our grand-daughter so the night was mine. Whether to really go for LD or maybe get a woman in? I chose the marginally less difficult option and retired slightly earlier, read some LD stuff and went to sleep at midnight as per usual.
Somewhere in the Middle East and there was a palpable air of impending seemed to be labour organizations v Government. A local well respected and moderate man had disappeared. "Why him?" someone said.
OK short, sad but early...a good fish in the net...then it slowly fell apart. I decided to set my alarm for 5.30 am in time to WBTB and catch the REM happy hours. It took me at least 2½ hours to get to sleep...I lay there and heard the woman next door idle her engine for at least 5 mins before setting off for her boot fair.
Her daughter's friend rolled up then waited as the daughter thundered back down the alleyway to get something she'd forgotten...amazing how one slightly-built girl can sound like a rampaging water-buffalo. Bang! door shut...Voom! off they went. Then the wife got home and I decided to WBTB again.
Walking in a large town for quite a while (although I don't remember much about it) I passed one guy who I thought was laughing at my age and I boldly challenged him. He said he was merely sweating because he'd just come from the gym??? Then he started DC speak about some girl and I reversed direction.
When I felt I'd gone far enough I ran really hard (DS = impossible to run hard) back to the town centre. On the way I passed a really amazing landscaped hill, with beautiful plants, statues and waterfalls. I couldn't resist climbing the hill then somehow decided it was somebody's front garden and I stopped climbing. By standing on tiptoe I could just see a large mansion at the top of the hill occurs to me that if I had pushed the lorry over the cliff edge on my dream of 4/9 I would have seen a really amazing vista and if I had climbed the hill last night....why so inhibited?
I'm a space (trooper?) with an automatic rifle and I'm pursuing aliens (who looked a lot like the Mangalores, from the film "The Fifth Element") on a planet that looked suspiciously like 20th century suburban London. They moved unfairly quickly and I never managed to hit one...I also threw grenades but never actually saw explosions.
Then they disappeared and I spent what seemed like ages looking for them (the mega mega mega dream sign) Then I'm closely followed by a young male (noooo...not again!) But he merely wanted to know what I was doing.
I went all show-offy and I explained that the aliens were "Karjons" (good name...wonder if it's been used before?) and I was hunting them. Then he launched into DC babble and I woke up. I wish I could condition myself to RC before I get up as well as I seem to be primed to wake at the sound of DC chatter.
All that was left to do was explain to my incredulous wife that I hadn't slept for 11 hours "if you take off the time I was up + the time I was sleepless I doubt if I slept for more than 8 hours" (well...I'm convinced)