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    Lydia's Game of Dreams

    Regular Dream - Semi-lucid Dream - Lucid Dream - Notes

    This is a record of my dreams. Some will be of video games or books, others will be completely nonsensical, and I'm hoping to have an increasing number of lucids. Thanks for looking and I hope they will inspire someone, or at least that people will find them entertaining.

    1. School Daze

      by , 06-25-2019 at 07:55 PM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 06-25

      Regular Dream - Semi-lucid Dream - Lucid Dream - Notes

      School Daze

      I am in school. I am in a classroom, though I’m not sure what class is going to be here. I sit down at a desk about halfway to the back of the room. I look around at the other desks and students. I see a rack of comic books on one side of the room. My attention is caught by a Ranma graphic novel and a Ranma comic. The graphic novel is a collection of many of the comics, the single comic is a new release. I hear Vegeta’s voice in my head telling me to buy them both. I go over to the comic rack and take the graphic novel. Somehow someone else managed to get to the comic before I could. So I go back to my desk with the graphic novel. Vegeta will have to be satisfied with that.

      I put the graphic novel under my desk to keep from being distracted. I notice on the cover it looks like Ranma has punched someone into orbit. I think a comic book rack in a classroom is just asking for distractions. A boy in the desk in front of me looks a lot like Ryoga from the Ranma comics. He hands me a green marker. I ask what I’m supposed to do with that. He says take notes. I give the marker back and tell him I prefer pen. He hands the marker back to me again, so I return it again. He lies the marker on my desk. I don’t know why he wants me to have it so badly. I am looking at my black notebook when I wake up.
    2. Fus You Again, Eldred Jonas! A Dream Goal Fulfilled!

      by , 06-24-2019 at 06:19 PM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 06-24

      Regular Dream - Semi-lucid Dream - Lucid Dream - Notes

      Fus You Again, Eldred Jonas! A Dream Goal Fulfilled!

      I am in some tall grass looking at a small cabin. I go towards the cabin and I see a young woman in the door. She is sitting on the stoop. It’s Susan Delgado. I ask her if she and her friends are all ok. She says she is, but Roland and the others are going into danger. I tell her I need her help with something. I have a goal I have wanted to complete ever since I saw Eldred Jonas for the first time, but I need her help. I am now remembering that Eldred Jonas is watching Susan through the pink glass of the Wizard’s Rainbow, so I will use that to lead him where I want him to be. Susan says she will help me, but she won’t leave Sheemie here alone. I say that’s fine, but I don’t think we have much time. Susan, Sheemie, and I head to The Drop.

      I tell Susan I’m going to stay out of sight and wait for our guest, but don’t worry… I won’t let anything happen. And Sheemie should stay out of sight, too. Susan hesitates for a bit then agrees. Sheemie and I get out of sight in a clump of tall grass and wait. It doesn’t take too long before Eldred Jonas and a couple of thugs arrive. Susan has been looking out over The Drop and she doesn’t realize he’s there until he puts a gun at her neck. I hear him talking to her and telling her to come with him, she shouldn’t be out there alone. I tell Sheemie to stay put then I step out into the open. I tell Jonas that Susan isn’t alone. He glares at me and takes a couple steps towards me, moving away from Susan. I motion Susan to get behind me, which she does. Sheemie joins her. Now Jonas and his two thugs are between me and the edge of The Drop. Jonas says I’m going to regret messing with the Big Coffin Hunters.

      Jonas tells his thugs to take me out. I ask Jonas if he has already forgotten what I can do. He stops short and looks behind him towards The Drop. He motions his thugs to stay put and now seems like he wants to be reasonable. He uses his most amicable voice when he says there must be some agreement we can come to. I say no, there is only one thing I want to do now. Jonas draws his gun and shoots as fast as lightning. The bullet hits me right in the chest and leaves a red hole, I feel no pain. I tell him he went and put a hole in my favorite shirt! He gets a shocked look on his face. I fus him and his two thugs. FUS-RO-DAH! The fus sends all three of them flying right off of The Drop, plunging to the rocks far below. Susan says she can’t believe Jonas missed! I show her the hole and say he didn’t, but my body regenerates instantly. I show her the unmarked skin beneath the hole. I tell her everything should be safe for her and Sheemie now, but I will return if they need me.
    3. Dark Tower: Seasons in the Abyss

      by , 06-21-2019 at 09:08 PM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 06-21

      Regular Dream - Semi-lucid Dream - Lucid Dream - Notes

      I am in a town that looks like something out of a video game or an old western. I am outside what looks like the sheriff station where there is probably a jail in there, too. I have no memory of how I came to be here, but I know why I am here. Roland, Cuthbert, and Alain are locked up inside for something they didn’t do. A person in oversized cowboy clothing approaches the door to the office. I have to take care of things first, without bloodshed. I can make sure no one gets hurt here. I intercept the cowboy before he… no… she… reaches the door. I whisper to her that I can help make sure no one gets hurt here. She hesitates, asking who I am. I tell her to be ready to continue her plan once I get those officers in there to release her friends.

      Inside I find the sheriff and a deputy relaxing in the main office and I see the three boys I came for in the prison cells. They look up at me with some interest but no alarm. The sheriff asks what he can do for me. I tell him I have come to relieve him of his prisoners. He laughs and says I must be on the devil grass if I think he’s going to just hand over those murderers. I tell him I hadn’t figured he’d do it of his own free will… but still, they’re coming with me. The sheriff tells me I’d better get my ass out the door before he decides to lock me up with those murderers. I tell him those three aren’t the murderers. I saw who did it, it was Eldred Jonas and his cronies. Now the sheriff is just getting annoyed and he says he doesn’t need me to tell him how to do his job. I don’t want to take any longer, so I decide to use song lyrics to create the effect I want.

      Focusing on one of the men and then the other, I use the lyrics from the song Seasons in the Abyss by Slayer. “Close your eyes, look deep in your soul. Step outside yourself and let your mind go. Frozen eyes stare deep in your mind as you die. Close your eyes and forget your name. Step outside yourself and let your thoughts drain, as you go insane, go insane…” A blank look comes into the eyes of the two men, the song has worked. I hear fireworks going off outside but I ignore that. I tell the officers again that I am taking their three prisoners with me. This time they are very compliant. The deputy walks over to the jail cell and opens the door, standing aside to let the boys pass. Cuthbert sarcastically thanks him for being a wonderful host, then expresses his regrets that they will never be doing this again.

      The cowboy from outside is in the room now and I can see she is a woman, it is Susan Delgado. She embraces Roland immediately. She then looks at the two officers. She asks me if they’ll be ok. I tell her this state will wear off in a while and they’ll be fine. Just to make sure they don’t alert anyone too soon I tell them to get in the prison cell and lock it, then throw me the keys. I lay the keys on the desk. Someone will be by to let them out eventually. Right now Susan should carry on with her plan. For now I have to go, but I will help them more later if needed. Be careful, the danger is far from over. She turns to leave and I wake up.
    4. Donald Trump, Ice Cold, Game Design

      by , 06-05-2019 at 09:15 PM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 06-05

      Regular Dream - Semi-lucid Dream - Lucid Dream - Notes

      Fus You, Donald Trump!

      I am on top of a tall building, perhaps the Empire State Building. There is some kind of gathering there. I get closer and I see the president of the United States is there. Donald Trump is surrounded by secret service people and reporters are gathered. The president is standing near the edge of the building where there is a really tall railing designed to keep people from falling or jumping off. I get closer and I hear Trump saying something about opening a new coal mine that will employ hundreds and make money for him and all his rich friends. When a reporter asks about air pollution Trump says the coal burns clean. I get closer and Trump sees me, then says he can have whatever woman he wants. He reaches to grab me. I tell him if he touches me I'm going to fus him. He grabs a breast and laughs. I drop down to get a better angle and I fus him... FUS-RO-DAH! Due to my angle he flies up into the air and right over the barrier at the edge of the building, disappearing from sight. I wonder if he will make a crater when he lands, or maybe he will bounce? Secret service seems at a loss for what to do.

      So Very Cold
      I am in a strange place. It looks like an old style castle or fortress. I am not very focused on what is going on around me because I am so very cold. Not just cold outside, but cold inside. It feels like I might have swallowed some liquid nitrogen and I am currently freezing solid. I walk through the halls looking for some possible source of warmth. There are people around but they all seem distant and cold. They look like Assassins from Assassin's Creed. I need to find warmth or I will freeze through. I go through some more halls and rooms not sure of where I am going. I enter a bed chamber. There is a bed there with an Assassin sleeping in it. I feel warmth from there. I need that warmth. I stumble over to the bed and practically fall into it, crawling under the covers and up against the sleeping Assassin. He wakes and looks at me. It is Altaïr Ibn-LaʼAhad from Assassin's Creed. He puts his arms around me and holds me, I feel his warmth and now I am able to fall into a peaceful sleep.

      Design a Game, Design a Reality
      I am in a school, I am in a computer class. Everyone is working on our projects. My project is to design a video game, and I am working on a creepy one. I have just finished modelling a student desk and I am placing multiple instances of it in an empty and creepy looking classroom. It is coming out quite good. I make the room dark and add spots on the wall that are cracked and peeling, just enough to make it look abandoned. I add some marks that could be blood stains near a door that will lead to the next room. I need a bathroom break. I lock my computer and get up. I head out the classroom door… and I find I have walked right into the room I was just creating! How can this be? I haven’t even finished making it yet! I walk into the room and the door closes behind me. I turn back and the door is gone! I am thinking this might warrant a reality check when I wake.