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    MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.


    This journal will account my many dreams!!! yay! Anyway, I have had so much amazing synchronistic occurrences around dreams. I have helped myself and a few others through my dreams! I am doing my best to find out how to live my life by my dreams.

    Main entities:

    Asuka: My dream wife. I am purely convinced that she's not another aspect of my mind. She exists separate from me. Lately I have been running into people similar to her in waking life. She's sweet, very kind, and has a strange sense of humor. She has a yellow aura.

    Nomad: The guy that got me into shared dreaming. He doesn't show up in dreams as often... but back in the day we dream shared lots. He got me into the dream lover thing and also has experience with meeting their twinners on the waking plane.

    Raven: My other dream sharing friend. She helps me and asuka a lot. I wish I could recall her more.

    Data: He maintains the shields in my inner world.

    Victor: My dream guide... though he hasn't shown up lately.

    Shawna: A soul that shared a body with a woman named Aeona, Raven's guide Q appointed me guardian of Shawna when she was separated from Aeona.

    Other dream children: Two babies between me and asuka and also two other orphans that now reside in my inner world. We are all like a dream family... Aren't I creepy?

    The dream plane:

    I look at dreams as a separate plane of existence. Our waking realities are dense energy that give the illusion of solidity. Next is the Astral plane that is just outside of our waking perception. The dream plane vibrates at a light frequency and consits of bubbles. Every person when not traveling out of body dream in their inner world. Anyone can shape what they want their inner world to look like, and also use it as a focus point for the law of attraction. You can invited other dream entities to stay in your inner world... but be careful, it may attract demons. Dream sharing can take place inside your inner world or the inner world of someone else. other dream places are bubbles made of less dense energy.

    1. Difficult holidays

      by , 12-30-2024 at 03:18 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie voice seemed to be splitting after my last entry. Wasn't sure why. Of course I meant she's more than welcome to come to my door and ask for me. I simply meant other options as suggestions for whatever she feels comfortable with. Maybe she was upset over my unwillingness to reach out first. Even though I already did a few times. She never responded. If my best message to her still isn't good enough for her. No further attempts are necessary. I argued with her voice on this early this morning about this very thing. She admitted: It's unreasonable to expect you reach to me, if I don't respond. Exactly right! This entirely changes if she begins to talk to me and let's me know that further communication is okay. I'm ready to step up then.


      2 nights ago.

      Jamie 1

      (Can't use colors because I can't get posting entries here to work properly on PC or mobile. What gives DV? What gives?)

      I dreamed Jamie was working construction with me or something. I was climbing up some scaffold or something. Jamie was climbing to but she was surrounded by wooden ramps and walls they were also moving very fast. I told her that's not necessary, we're simply here to work.

      Fortnite again?

      Jamie 2

      She was with me in a house? We kept flying around but instead of talking , we kept leaving notes for one another.

      Jamie 3

      I was with Jamie in a city. She had a fancy blue car. She pushed a button and it started changing into a more fancy car or something. She laughed and asked if I liked it?

      When I woke up. I kinda split on that. She seemed like her careless and grandiose self of which I have very bad memories of. I recall her being quite hurtful when she was like that.

      Jamie 4

      I was walking on a residential street. I was eating a sandwich. It had some meat and a shitload of mayonnaise. It was messy. I don't recall liking it too much.

      Woke up and the voice said she made me pastrami on rye? Oops I was supposed to like it. Sorry.

      This whole entry seems negative. So I'll end on some positive notes.


      I woke up on top of a bunk bed. There were tiny goats flying up to me and I was petting them.

      Also the Jamie voice wanted me to confirm some of the jokes we say to one another. Many months ago I was trying to cheer up her voice by saying, " I believe in the good person inside of you." She responded, " You are the good person inside of me." Lol. Read into that however you like. It's been a running joke ever since.

      I hope next dreams are loving and affectionate. These holidays were more moody than what I would have liked.
      Tags: goats, jamie
      non-lucid , side notes
    2. Dreams from christmas.

      by , 12-27-2024 at 02:58 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Merry Chrysler! Aw, shit it's boxing day...

      Scary height?

      Me and Jamie were on a giant tall hill. In the middle of a giant tree... with a wooden base around it built into the tree. We had two other members on the team running around below. We were waiting for something. for some reason I had a pistol on me... Wait are we dreaming about fortnite again? OG map? Jamie said that this was really high up. She seemed scared. I was too. some guy from our team said no one was around so it was safe to go down. We did. I found a bunker full of food. I felt like making bacon.

      Last night:

      Jesus again

      Me and Jamie were in a very large standing area. There was a multitude of couples with us in the standing area. It felt like these couples were like me and Jamie - Hand picked by Jesus for life commitments - but he had to separate them first to work on them. We were all facing the front where there was a throne. Jesus was there on the throne. He said, "My children I'm beginning my work NOW to bring you all together again."

      I woke from this dream. The Jesus voice said (Or Holy Spirit), "Jamie is knocking on the door now.". That's funny, when I first arrived back in Bowden, over a year ago, He said she was at the door.

      Well, my door is open. If she wants to talk, She knows where my house is. I would not turn her away. If she's comfortable with phones first, my business with my personal cell is online, and in the Western.Buy.Sell.Trade paper. Or, if she wants to leave a note on my car. We both seem to be at a stalemate - I've already tried to reach out to her, she doesn't respond, I don't like what her non response does to me, so My hands are tied. I've seen her drive by me many times, but she never stops to talk. Maybe Jesus is hinting that he may do something... wether it's running into eachother more often, or through familiar people, or situations. In any case, it sounds like it's on the horizon.

      Jamie 3

      I'm with Jamie in a house kitchen that seems to be ours. She's carrying a baby. She says, "We're beginning to run out of food."

      Yes, I'm worried about that too. Even if together there might be staying with In-Laws for a while. My business is slowly picking up. I want to get other things going too. Like flipping computers. There's lots of things to gt into for side hustles or careers.
      Tags: fortnite, jamie, jesus
    3. Almost nothing.

      by , 12-24-2024 at 04:11 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Due to work schedule and getting up early. Really low recall. Only dream was maybe Jamie.

      No soup for you.

      I was in a convenience store or grocery store. There was an Asian woman at the counter. She seemed really familiar. I said I wanted to buy soup. The woman looked confused and said that I can't buy soup. I pointed to the sign above a counter where some soup was. She looks and kind of hits herself lightly on the head as if: duh. As she went to the soup counter I said, "I need that to go please."

      IRL I had soup from a grocery store when Jamie was with me.
      Tags: jamie, soup
    4. christmasy dreams?

      by , 12-21-2024 at 03:29 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie 1

      A flash of Jamie setting up a table for food. My name was at the head of the table. Seats were alphabetical. Mine was: A. You mean after all these years i finally made her A list? the whole setup was decorated like christmas.

      Jamie 2

      I'm at the table now. Jamie brings me a card or something. I'm hearing the melody from a christmas song, "Oh rest ye merry..." or something. Or maybe it's the opening to that popular Trans-Siberian orchestra song. The one with that music video where the little girl almost looks like Jamie if she was that age... weird.

      Is she going to reach out by christmas??? well that would be something. Not counting on it though.


      Me and my brother were somehow coerced to work a graveyard shift at a mcdonald's. Gie-Gie from my previous store was the manager. It was just me and my brother then disappeared. I was trying to get all the stock and change over done but I kept falling behind.

      Jamie again?

      I was in a city. A familiar woman kept walking by me. It felt like Jamie because she kept beaming at me. But she was east indian and I thought she was Mansi, a girl I use to work with at Mcdonald's years ago. she kept walking by and smiling at me.

      Dream shifts. I'm with her and we're having sex in a bathroom. She's on a sink. I keep shifting perspectives inside my body and outside, so half the time I think it's Mansi and her new husband...
    5. Damn

      by , 12-18-2024 at 03:47 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      3 nights and only a flash of a fragment about Jamie...

      Can't recall the first night. During the day The Jesus voice indicate that Jamie was getting into something that she shouldn't. The biggest hint is that she was looking at things she shouldn't (IYKYK. I've had struggles with that as well... from time to time).

      Lucid but no cigar

      I was in a building with some people. couches in a corner. I became lucid but the dream started blacking out. I held on somehow. I said I wanted to go to Jamie's dream. I wound up in a psychedelic tunnel space. I kept floating through it trying to find Jamie. One tunnel just led to another of different colors. I went through 3 or so. Then my memory fades. Kinda felt like I was stuck in the Dr. Who title screen if you know what I mean.


      A dream where Kurt Cobain was in the black space. He had a guitar and was strumming it. He sang, "A lemonade alright, No Chick-Fil_A sauce." In a sing song voice. He looked pissed off that he was singing it and walked away.

      Funny. I really hope that doesn't get stuck in my head again.


      A flash of Jamie naked with some woman...

      Um okay. I really wish I would stop dreaming about that.

      I had trouble with the Jamie voice this morning. She said she was stupid? I asked what it was about. I had 4 different Jamie voices give me 4 different answers... I was like, "Well, whatever you did. I'm not finding you in dreams lately and right now the continuity of hearing your voice is breaking down. So maybe give it a rest." Literally hasn't been that bad in months. (I'm not all blaming the lack of dreams on her. I have a tough time recalling things sometimes. It's also very hard to dream about the same thing continuously for such a long time. Might be why I keep seeing Jamie as different people, but I can tell who she is by her behavior) Her voice seemed down today, almost guilty or regretful. I did some early prayers already because she asked.
      Tags: jamie, kurt
      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
    6. Better Dreams

      by , 12-15-2024 at 03:56 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Last night had lots of dreams. not sure if I'm remembering them all. New Dexter series on paramount+ . Loved the first episode, Use to watch the Original with my cousin who passed a few years ago.

      Jamie 1

      An HH flash of me walking in bowden at night. Jamie drives past me while looking at me. She smiles.

      The voice get's all excited when I woke up. "I saw you." She said. Note: when I see her in a Real life "Drive by." Her voice will often say, "I saw you!"

      Jamie 2

      Another HH flash We're in the plack space. Jamie brings me a box of doughnuts.

      Yup. I agree. Best way to keep me from getting Hangry and splitting is to brings snacks. (No dried fruit or anything. Pure chocolate and sugar junk is good.)

      Wrong girlfriend

      I walked past Jessica in a dream. for some reason I thought she was Jamie. I acted all friendly but the girl wasn't having it. She said something like, "I didn't do anything with you because you didn't take any initiative."

      I woke up and asked the Jamie voice about the dream. She said that wasn't her in the dream. As for the initiative thing, we've already covered that - I'm just dense, and can't tell if any flirting is serious or not, leaving me to usually shrug any hints off or miss them altogether. Direct approach is what works best on me.

      Jamie confusion?

      I was in a flying car... might have been semi lucid at one point. I had a phone or tablet display in the middle of the dashboard. It was a message from Jamie? but it said: Joanne. I landed at the house. got out. A girl that looked like Jamie started kissing me. We started really getting into it... like really getting into it. In the back of my ming I couldn't get the name: Joanne out of my mind. I still wasn't sure if this was Jamie. The Jamie voice in my head said, "Robert..." as if to ask WTF I was doing. We kept kissing.

      I checked with the voice when awake. Apperently Jamie remembered kissing too. Not sure what happened there.


      A dream where I was driving a motorbike in calgary. My brother was there or something. I went to Crowchild, but it was these big hills... and it was snowing. I was really nervous to drive it.
      non-lucid , side notes
    7. Still low recall

      by , 12-12-2024 at 03:39 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Maybe A Jamie sighting while I was on 2 A between Dids and Olds. Dodge Caravan? Voice suggested it was her. I was on my way to do a piano 10 minutes east of Didsbury.


      I was with Jamie. A small creature was attacking me. It looked like it was infected with that thing from, "The Last of Us." Jamie said it was cute and wanted to hold it. I tried to explain it was dangerous and she might have seen tendrils try to attack me before I killed it.


      I was in some building. Some woman attacked me. I stabbed her. She didn't die and we fought or something.

      (I'm in a rush to type. I have to get pizza for everyone.)

      Dream about Sam and Dean from Supernatural. They had wonky hair.

      False break up

      I was crying because Jamie apperently broke up with me

      (Voice said we didn't break up. We had a very nice morning, talking)
    8. Oops

      by , 12-09-2024 at 04:56 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      The Jesus voice was telling me to give more Bible study for Jamie. Like I said: Saved by grace through faith. That's How The Bible speaks to me. I know it can seem confusing especially reading contradictory things. Jesus taught faith is what saves. His examples of strict laws in his sermons are to show us how helpless we are under the law and why his grace is needed. The new testament is written by many authors. Paul is the grace guy. Other authors were about works. Paul was sent to evangelize the existing early churches to teach them grace, not law practice. People like James wrote his epistle before the events in Acts chapters 14-15.

      Now study some things in the Old testament regarding grace. Some examples: The story of Sampson - a man who never listened to God's commands, but at the end was given strength once more because of his faith to accomplish his task.

      Other things in the OT that testify to Jesus. Cain vs Abel's offering. Jacob and his brother Esau. Jacob gets his brother's blessing for dressing up like Esau for their father - much like We get saved by Jesus' perfect record so God doesn't see our record but Jesus.

      Avoid certain churches that teach legalism - faith plus works. Many church goers are like the Pharisees that Jesus was always against.

      Anyway DREAMS.


      I'm in Fortnite or something. I'm shooting at a juiceWRLD skin while running up a ramp. Me and my team get shot out. We are falling and suddenly we are all tied to this metal wire thing. We are falling slow mo.

      I look over at Jamie... She's tied to the falling thing too and next to her is a porn star looking woman. The woman's boobs are hanging out... Not hanging... But sticking out. Like two giant balloons are under the skin. Her and Jamie are vibing. Jamie is seduced by her. Then Jamie whispers to her that she also wants to do drugs... It's here I wake up.

      And ummm. Like I already said. I live a clean lifestyle. I don't mind people who smoke weed. Anything risky at all I'm not okay with (especially Coke). My current living situation is not an emotionally safe place. I'm not looking to escape from this place into another unsafe place.

      As for the other thing. Not much to say. If one thing is going to Tempt her into another thing. I wouldn't do it. I have my own sexual temptations as well. Jamie knows them if she really hears the voices in my head. Jesus has told me many times when tempted that it leads to death.

      I had a Jamie dream last night that I can't recall.


      I was working with my Dad. The house had newspaper all over the walls... He told me to sand them.
      Tags: dad, jamie
    9. Still not much.

      by , 12-06-2024 at 03:58 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Hardly any recall. The conversations with the voice seemed distant during the days. Mainly because I usually spend hours lost in things that occupy my full attention. The Jamie voice was complaining about it... I think... Today. Anyway we still seem to connect well at night. I haven't been waking up as much in the middle of the night. But at night time it's a normal routine of prayers and trying to sense one another in spirit.

      I had a dream like vision that seemed like a microdream with Jamie in it. But I can't recall what it was about.


      I was somewhere. Maybe in a house. There was a woman there. The lighting wasn't great so I couldn't see her. She said she was my girlfriend. I said, that's impossible, I already have a girlfriend and her name is: Jamie.

      The woman said that SHE is Jamie. And I was like Nuh-Uh. You don't look like Jamie. I have a picture of us right here. I look at the picture and I see a man with glasses.. but it's not me. His arm is around his girlfriend. She has Jamie's hair.. but not the same face. Also wearing glasses. I was about to tell the woman that it's the wrong picture... But I woke up.

      I guess I'm still not seeing Jamie as herself... No wonder she doesn't show up as often... That must be frustrating.


      A random dream where I had to hold a giant white thing to fly around. I was trying to beat another guy with a flying thing... I couldn't fly certain areas because I kept running into powerlines? Um okay.
      Tags: flying, jamie
      non-lucid , side notes
    10. Less dreams

      by , 12-03-2024 at 06:18 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Almost forgot to post - Long, emotionally toxic day going to Calgary and back. My family is not a safe place emo6. If I had it my way... I'd go back to loving them from a distance.

      [B]Jamie 1 [/B]

      Just a short dream of flying in the sky. Jamie was with me... Or around me. I literally felt the love from her. In dreams emotions are so intense. I felt so much love from her it was euphoric.

      Jamie 2

      Sort of an HH dream. I'm in my normal bed. Jamie gets in bed with me. She has brought a baby and put it between us. We all snuggled together warmly. Again feeling the love.

      On that. Sudden infant death can be caused by a parent rolling on to a baby while sleeping. I love the sentiment. Just safety first. I just hope we have a 50 to 100k a year business each before a baby. Times be tough right now.
      Tags: baby, flying, jamie